Sommalian Sommelier

Guy Hendrix Dyas
he wants his skyline back

Yes, Futureland was awesome, Blue Light was feces. At first, but if you were willing to hang on, it got better.

Kevin Troy Boy
looks like an outtake from Aronofsky's fevered Black Swan nightmares.

was so looking forward ot being here (sigh)

Save 12 Bucks
Who're the killers and why?

Hitch-22! Damn!

Just so you know
the Dave Matthews Band made about $500 million in tour revenue alone last decade.

Fergie's face looks like:

Wait! what?
I am now more confused about this band then 5 minutes ago when I'd never even heard of them.


so who should direct Blod Meridian?
Terrence Malick?

Listened to King is Dead
could not be a bigger departure from H.O.L. Almost like they scaled back their usual characteristic ambition. Narrower yes, but much more accessible, brighter,, more relaxed, sunny airy and other spring nature metaphors.

Guantanamo Is For Lovers

seconded on mr. Fforde. Has to be one of the most unusual dystopias committed to print. The fully realized chromatocracy, and a decentralized dystopia! who knew.

Ha ha. @Terry1, should have been more specific. Meant to post "LetEnglandShake, E-books will change your life forever."

It's slow going at first, but when you make it like a quarter way through (Jai Dee's consequences for instance) you'll see.

I dunno, I found the review kind of intriguing and off putting in almost equal measures. Speaking of world building, d'you know if Neal Stephenson's been working on anything lately? Anathem, left me jonesing for more classic N.S. and the Mongoliad seems a bit to out there

Windup Girl
Jason Heller, you really should get around to reading this one, antipathy to hardbacks and all. There's a reason it was on Time's top ten.

Would you recommend that book V.C? As I remember, you've had some pretty good recommendations in the past.

Actually, valid point. Unlike say Jared Diamond, the book is pretty Eurocentric, and is very much an exegesis of Britain esp. in those periods. It doesn't stray much beyond England, or the U.S. But once you realise that, it just gets better.