L.E.S. Ebooks. Will change your entire world, like they did mine.
L.E.S. Ebooks. Will change your entire world, like they did mine.
Dude! I just finished it tonight! Hang in there J.K. That is one heck of an edutaining book! However the section on Childhood turned out to be one of the most depressing things I've read in a while (very well written, but depressing)
Cloud Atlas
For a second I thought (?) this referred to "books read in 2010" as opposed to "books published in 2010" Nevertheless, Cloud Atlas is definitely on my list.
wait, you do what again?
N Korea, size of Iowa invades and incapacitates the entire US?
what's with otherwise good movies
with airless names like
someone posted it before, but it bears repeating
I heard he also cheated on a water-buffalo with a hive of honeybees while impregnating a Potorro.
Though not as intense as the "newborn porn" scene in ASM
I started 21 grams, but couldn't make it through more than about a quarter way through. I felt like it should be in any dictionary defintion of Ennui. So you're saying it is worth slogging through?
I assumed this book had something to do with Castor Troy.
Wait! what happens in the bathroom again?!!
Funny Bale ticks of the middle republic in Batman and now this.
Yes indeed, crappy commercial synergy, and twofers.
indeed, loved that line. Btw, since we're discussing about artificial sexbots with surprising layers and hyper-modern agriculture, when you get a second, look up Bacigalupi's The Windup Girl
You Fool! What have you done????!!!!
just chiming in to say it was a not terrible album