
I liked the episode, and it was totally time in the TV universe for Danny to make the move, but I do worry they don't have the foundation to put Mindy in a long term relationship. I don't want to see Danny get hurt! He seems more invested in a relationship, or the potential of one, than Mindy.

Totally grew up in a town were Boomer was a real name. His cousin was named Bubba.

I feel sad that Lisa's lost weight. She looked great before. Stupid Hollywood.

They better not mess with Boyd and Ava. I don't know how I'll deal with that.

My fave so far has been The Vulture (last week's ep). You don't need to watch them in order to know all of the characters either - although that wouldn't take much time cause it's only about 6 or 7 episodes in.

I am really digging this show. I'm surprised by how little Samberg bothers me. I think it's mostly because the supporting cast is SO good. Really enjoyed the different pairings tonight (Charles and Santiago, Terry and Rosa).

Now I'm lost in Jason Street's Instagram account. It's like we never stopped hanging out weekly.

This is definitely one of the best movies I saw last year. I read the book first, and it's a great adaptation. One of the best movies about real high school melancholy out there, though at times it does get a bit unbelievable that kids would feel comfortable enough to be "out there" like Sam and Patrick are.

Yeah, it's Will and Willow from the beginning of "I am Legend."

I love Friends, so this article was awesome, but the same thought re USA and Happy Endings went through my head and then I was sad.

A friend and I are currently going through the entire series, doing 4-6 episodes a season, and it's really a fascinating look at life in the 90s. It's not at all realistic to imagine having your perfect job and a huge apartment in NY by the time you're 25, but, as you say Todd, Friends always did a great job of

They ended this season so perfectly. Great job, New Girl folks. You've made this show fantastic, and I'm hopeful you'll continue that trend next season. Until then, I'll be learning how to prank like Winston. And wondering if I've ever truly been in love.

I honestly cannot remember the last time I laughed out loud unexpectedly at a tv show, and this episode made me do it TWICE. Tina's line to Jimmy Jr about his speech impediment ("Well, fix it!") and then when Linda called Bob a dick.

Absolutely my favorite Winston episode. SO good.

I agree - and I'm completely on board with the N/J thing. I enjoy their back and forth, but I ALMOST enjoyed Winston/Schmidt more in this ep.

I know they've paired Winston & Schmidt a lot this season, but this and the episode with the wet suits/CeCe fish have been fantastic. "He's an escort!"/"It's Jess!" absolutely SLAYED me.

I think it may have had something to do with Winona being threatened. I think being with Ava has changed Boyd (as we saw him go CRAZY when he found out Mooney betrayed him), and while I think the larger point was to get Raylan out the of the bar so Ava could do what needed to be done with Delroy's body, I also think

I agree about the opposite being implied. I really think Raylan will never fully leave Harlan and that is being made clear to him as he sees his gravestone beside his father's.

I had to tell myself to breathe a few times - especially during the scenes with Raylan and Nicky and Raylan and Winona's captors. Very good acting work all around.

I think it was the juxtaposition of the song and the season. Raylan even said the line a few episodes ago - "all we have to do is get out of Harlan alive" - and I feel like it was absolutely reiterated in that scene. Him sitting there at his father's freshly dug grave, while part of him wants to be with the mother of