
I'm sorry, but I just cannot get behind the idea that it's somehow a good thing that Bay has to face consequences for anything Daphne did.

This is my issue with Alison at the moment.

No need to be rude and dismissive. You don't agree. Fine. No one asked you to. But the sarcastic jabs are hardly necessary. Stick to the topic at hand and leave out the insults.

"I strongly disagree with Bay's decision, and yes, I think she's being naive, but I don't think her relationship with Emmett has any weight here. Bay's decision is about her family, it's a family issue."

But that's that their normal with Bay unfortunately. Being dismissive and snide. I mean the fact that her future plans, at that point anyway, didn't include any jail time, should have made them grateful and proud. But she gets insults instead. John's "puppy dog" line was so dumb. But he's crying buckets over his


Yep. Toby is next! Maybe the writers will go the whole nine yards and have him literally give his life for her. They've already shown they don't care about anyone else other than Daphne.

"What Bay did was incredibly kind, and maybe incredibly stupid, however, it saved Daphne's future."

Man, Switched at Birth is Daphne's world and everyone else is just there for her. The writers should go ahead and rename it Switched at Birth: The Daphne Vasquez story.

Why is all the onus of the relationship on Emmett though? It's not like Daphne is seeking him out and being such a great friend to him or anything. She's as responsible for the lack of friendship as he is. Yeah, she's going through a lot, but so are plenty of other people. Emmett's had things going on in his

Plus, no one clued Emmett in on the plan. He had no idea Bay was planning to show her solidarity through her wearing a tux.

Grieve all you want Daphne, self-destruct, don't self-destruct, whatever, but keep your hands to yourself. No, really. Keep your hands to yourself.

Then she needs to get over it.

True, but if being a part of Bay's life and having a real bond and relationship is important enough to Regina, then she should step up and do something about it.

I agree.

I agree. Him and Mariana were such bratty assholes about just automatically going around inviting people to a party.

And why did Daphne not look at the more affordable option (pre-med at Galludet) FIRST instead of settling for it once she saw that paying for school for her became an issue.

I LOVE the description above about Bay, Emmett, and Melody forming their own little family. I hadn't thought about it that way until I read it, but it is such a perfect description for them. Bay should have actually said that she had THREE families. Melody even acknowledged it when she said that Emmett needs both

Well, didn't she say that tonight herself that she always had feelings for Emmett? That she never stopped loving him?

It was. They were so honest and genuine tonight. It certainly won't be "happily ever after", but I'm interested in where their journey goes from here.