
I know right? I was like "huh?" It's not Australia. I thought to myself that this show can't possibly be reinforcing the ignorance by many to equate Africa with a country and not as an entire continent made up of many, many countries.

Based on the promo it seems to be pretty clear where Bay and Emmett are going, which, by default, makes clear where the Bay and Tank thing is going.

Was I supposed to feel bad for Tank tonight? Because I didn't. Not at all.

More like an Emmett cameo. He's nothing more than Bay's therapist at this point.

Count me in! "No Emmett at all" is never a good thing. Sean Berdy and Emmett are great and he desperately needs his own story. I ADORE Bay and Emmett, but would love something that focused on him more.

I think they tried your idea of creating interest in Bay and Tank with episodes 5 and 6 when there were not only no Bay and Emmett scenes, but no Emmett at all.

That's two in a row with no Emmett. I think the celebration of his return to the forefront in episode four jinxed it, because obviously he isn't in the forefront of anything. I find that troubling.

I don't know, her "surprises" usually turn out to be pretty lame/tame. Last week she was teasing about Bay doing "something that she would NEVER do" that turned out to be her deleting Ty's email.

Yeah, it was especially glaring after celebrating his return to the forefront of the show last week and then he suddenly disappears. It was also noticeable since Tank hasn't missed an episode so far. All the other guest stars have not been in at least one episode so far (I think Jorge, Sharee, and Campbell have all

It really would. If there's time for all these new characters, then there's certainly room to find something more, anything more for him to do. It's like his character being punished for something . . . I don't get it. The writers must know that the fans like Emmett and want to see more of him.

Yeah, it took me right out of the scene. You made a very interesting, and correct, observation about the visuals of the new, problem kids at Carlton being mostly POCs contrasting with the mostly white Carlton students.

Hopefully. I don't understand why it's so hard to find something for him to do besides listen to Bay cry about Ty. I enjoy Sean Berdy and Vanessa Marano together, but Emmett is so much more than that.

The lack of Emmett continues to be really disappointing. He had the one scene in the beginning with Bay, makes a cameo in the classroom fight scene and then . . . nothing. Why is he even here and what did Sean Berdy do that he's been regulated to nothing more than a glorified extra. EVERY single one of the guest

wordgal785 and mytly, that may be what was in the script, but I tend to put more stock in what actually appeared on screen.  It never specifies in the pilot what grade they're in, but there are concrete dates in the timeline.  The writer, production, or whoever, obviously put those dates there on purpose and I imagine

Check my reply above.  The show has actually occurred during Bay and Daphne's 9th, 10th, and 11th grade years.

This actually isn't totally correct.  In 1x23, according to Emmett's timeline, Bay and Emmett first meet in June 2011, so the switch had to come out some time before then.  The girls were 15 and at the end of their freshmen year of high school.  The timeline has Bay and Emmett's first kiss as September 2011, the

I agree with Mytly below, that pushing Ty as an ideal boyfriend shows some questionable judgement.  That's why they had Emmett cheat (another lousy decision).  So Ty, no matter how sucky, would always look like the better option for Bay.  I'm not buying it though.

I agree.  I'm not too fond of this idea of "testing" someone.  You either trust them or you don't.  Bay also shouldn't have to prove anything to him.  She didn't do anything wrong in moving on.  Like you say, they were together for a short time before.  Ty does seem immature in some ways.  It's like he doesn't get

I agree, they really are downplaying the role that Emmett played in Bay's life and her feelings for him while Ty was away.  From my viewpoint, Bay was in love with Emmett and didn't really think about Ty all that much other than when they thought his plane went down.  And even then, it was more of a concerned friend

I guess the show wants viewers to infer that Bay is in love with Ty, but she hasn't said the words to him even though they made a point to have him say them to her.  I guess they are saving her say them for some big moment?