
Tattoed drummy guy and the other two. I don't know which one of those two is Delonge.

I can't wait to see how depressing Wes Borland's social media will be in the buildup to Shiprocked '25.

I disagree that the scene wherein Lip, Ian, and Debby figure out where Fiona is within seconds was refreshing. I thought it was cheap.

I meant Johnny.

Did not know he was off on Mondays. Did they run The Tonight Show without re-runs? That would explain it. If they had guest hosts rather than ran episodes that were a couple of months old during breaks.

It seems that every comedian over the age of 60 guest hosted The Tonight Show dozens of times when Johnny was host. I'm 34, so forgive my ignorance here, but did the guy ever host his own show?

Roughly 8 billion words and no mention of Glengarry?

How can their promo people consistently make every show on TBS look so awful? The radio spots are worse than the tv ads!

Whatever you say, Sean O'Neal, or should I say, ANDY KAUFMAN?!

It is. Greater consistency.

You remember Darlene and forget Penny?

Originally Johnny (Leonard) and Jim (Sheldon) were considered co-lead males.

I admit I confuse which one is Johnny and which one is Jim, but the fact is, Johnny (I know he's Johnny because it says so in the picture caption) has been on two wildly successful, long-running sitcoms.

Since he's totally phoning it in on BBT at this point, why not star in it? Are you afraid a lesser known actor will steal the spotlight from you again, Johnny? HUH? ARE YOU?!

As opposed the 17 year old boys who comprised of Tool's audience in their peak years?

They should rename this series "Song Moderately Well-Known Musician Sort of Doesn't Like That AV Club Over-prompts Them Into A Hateful Lather Or Vague Appreciation For."

I know I'm not the first to say this, but Grohl is the grunge Tom Petty, at least in his work as the brainchild of Foo.

I like Maggie, but her accent was especially grating this week.

Zach Morris. "Timeout."

I thought this was Bad Counselor, the sequel to Bad Teacher.