
I would have rather seen Blockbuster suffer the same fate as the independent rental stores it destroyed: subject to ever-increasing porn sections and the blockades that came along with them.

Spaghetti Incident? is an unimportant little cover album, to be sure. But it wouldn't be getting knocked around so much if it wasn't the original band's accidental swan song. And GnR's breakup had everything to do with mania and drug abuse and absolutely nothing to do with grunge, as convenient as that narrative is.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you can paint, and I can paint, then everybody can paint!

What if I sell? What if I close? What if I file for chapter 11….baby?

I remember when I was a freshman in college, one of the guys from DB played a gig at the local brewery. It wasn't advertised until the day of. I thought, "Wow, Digable Planets. I loved those guys," then continued drinking Natty Light.

You're down with Digable Planets, use a hipster, $h!t

Rick: "I found out who killed your girlfriend and that random dude."
Cutty: "WHO!?"
Rick: "It was post-apocalyptic Jamie Lee Curtis."
Cutty: "LET ME AT HER!"
Rick: "Oh, um, I let her go with like a full car of supplies and stuff."
Cutty: "Fair enough. I feel better now."

I think highly successful comedians need to be conscious of the fact that their work is more likely to go viral on Conan or Jimmy Fallon or any other place they may try it out on tv. I'm sure writing an hour is extremely difficult, and don't begrudge their desire to try it out on the talk show format.

You've destroyed everything I know about HAIM, which is nothing.

More like, LAIM. Amirite?

I only wish that Derick Waters was not from my hometown because he probably already has friends here to guest when he does an episode in the area.

I'll give you that. And he seems truly more at ease in doing so once he got off the major label.

Scott refuses to abandon the dream of the '90s, and that's why I love him.

I don't know that he wouldn't. I saw Better Than Ezra last year and they played "Laid" by James. The song was over before I figured out they were not the original artists.

Please tell me you've also seen every episode of Dexter, so you can write a Confused By Commitment movie script about Dexter. Please, O'Neil. This is all I want for Christmas.

Please tell me you've also seen every episode of Dexter, so you can write a Confused By Commitment movie script about Dexter. Please, O'Neil. This is all I want for Christmas.

I think this was a duet with the guy from Saliva.

Wait a minute. This song isn't about bjs? In all seriousness, wasn't that the rumor? "Turn your head, now baby just spit me out?" I am probably providing more fodder for hating this song, I guess.

People getting nostalgic for things they liked when they were young? How dare they! Let your innocent memories perish along with your decaying body, I say.

They can't bomb Bill's Gambling Hall. It's already been destroyed and turned into a "boutique resort," a fate worse than being destroyed by a remote control plane.