Baxter Pancake


Matt Dean is trash - but he's right about one thing…Gaiman's neck is very thin.

Tyler Perry's The Bible.

Clock King: The Punctual and the Perturbed

Batman got off the train so I suppose it's possible that Ra's did too. But then again since they cast Pence as a young Ra's for flashbacks there's no reason to believe that Ra's himself will return in the movie's main storyline.

As much as I loved (loved loved) Ninja Turtles when I was a kid I always liked Casey best in the movie! Perfect casting.

A friend of mine offered me a bunch of old albums when his mother cleaned out her attic. I took a lot of them - including copies of "The Dreaming" and "Never For Ever". I had only ever heard of Kate Bush but never actually heard her music.

"Eye of the Tiger" was my early favorite. It always gets me pumped up. Looking at my love handles I can see that I don't hear the song nearly enough in my adult life.

My favorite opening credits variation is the one where Rob trips over the ottoman - picks it up and whips it against the wall - then downs six beers and falls asleep on the couch. It must have been a tough day at work.

"Spaceman" by Nilsson

Phrases that I love from this thread:
Slovenian Squeezer
Rhetorical Reamer
Homo Queersicle

Eric Kahn…I work for a phonebook company and I'll have you know that I'm not sure what one is either.

He also voiced The Dirty Bubble on some SpongeBob episodes.

Monty Norman worked on the score of Dr. No. His Bond theme was based on one of his earlier compositions (I'll take your word that it's Bad Sign, Good Sign because I don't recall the name of it). The producers were unhappy with the result and brought John Barry in to fix it up. His arrangement of the tune is what is

I couldn't believe this fantastic album was overlooked in the documentary and then again in this article. KNNILLSSONN is worth many many repeat listens. And the cover is awesome.


Didn't Batman get the Bat-Lube mixed up with the Bat-IcyHot in "The Dark Knight Winces"?

I was hoping for Random Roles when I saw Eckhart's face Dove!

Asher Roth
How could anybody (even the dopiest college kid) listen to Asher Roth and not feel like their intelligence is being insulted?

@ Show Some Respect
I apologize. When I wrote "vegetable" I meant "vegetable with a girlfriend". Vegetables with girlfriends are my favorite vegetables.