Baxter Pancake

You can't blame Rabin for that. He's rapidly losing brain function listening to these CDs. He'll be a vegetable soon.

You must not be drunk enough when you talk to them Spider. Everybody knows that the more you drink the more appealing you become!

And the award for best special effects goes to…

Cleveland hates us because of our freedoms.

"Kids with Guns" is genius!

"Head" is one of my favorite movies! There's more of a story to it than people realize. Plus there's so many great lines…

Glad I'm not the only one dorky enough to watch The Monkees with the commentary on…

Poor Syd. :(

I love Band of Gypsies - but it makes me sad because it feels like a beginning moreso than an ending.

He did. He made "Musicology" and played at the Super Bowl. How did you miss that!?

I somehow slipped into a parellel universe where Weezer DID make a bunch more albums after that. It wasn't pretty. You're better off here in this universe.

I am 26. I'm not saying there weren't any female action figures produced when I was little but they were so damn hard to find. And I was disappointed that there was never a Jenny toy from Bucky O'Hare.

I love Buddy Holly. I'm glad he was so prolific during his brief career - but more would have been great. I drive myself nuts thinking about what he would have done during the 60s.

Flight of the Conchords
I loved the ending but 22 episodes just isn't enough for me. It feels like eating only three hot wings for dinner. I don't care if I shit fire the next day - I need at least a dozen wings! And a dozen more Conchords episodes!

Brandon Lee's very lucky he made The Crow before the accident. Would his legacy have been the same had he died on the set of "Laser Mission"?

There's been a void since Hedberg died.

Both incarnations of the Tick!

I'm proud of the toymakers of America…when I was a kid it was hard to find any female characters from cartoon shows in plastic form. Now we've got Amanda Waller action figures.

I remember being disappointed that Batman Forever reaffirmed that Riddler is just a goofy Joker-clone instead of the smooth genius of the animated series.

The Dream Team was probably the best $5.50 I ever spent.