Baxter Pancake

"Sir Duke" is a great antidote for when you've got an annoying song stuck in your head and you want to push it out.

Walking on Sunshine wins the "Most Barf Inducing Pop Song" award.

If you do it right.

The Zune will rise again.

I heard that Riddler and Scarface offer full dental coverage - which comes in handy when Batman punches your teeth out on a weekly basis.

Why do shoes still have laces?  It seems to me they've been obsolete since elastic was invented.  Tying shoelaces is for suckers!

Did he ever look good though?

I agree with Oliver - the book would have been much better if it opened with the full team in action - perhaps nearly defeated in battle with Darkseid - and then a flashback to how the team formed.

"Transitions" didn't make much of an impression on me at first but I love it more and more each time I hear it.

I've never been able to rank the Ween albums. White Pepper was my favorite for a while. The Mollusk I always go back to. And GodWeenSatan. I usually just end up putting all of my Ween on shuffle. All Request Live and Shinola Vol 1 are great too! Alright - I"ll stop before I just name all of them because that's

I hope it really does end with the whole city destroyed because of Walt. That would be awesome!!

As far as Huell and bugs go…it is possible that he secretly works for Gus. That's just an idea - I don't really have an opinion on it one way or another.

After watching Pulp Fiction my mom's reaction was "I don't understand how John Travolta came back to life."

I watched this all the time as a kid but somehow missed the finale. I caught it on TV a few years ago (as an adult) and I cried.

Back before I would follow certain books or get certain trades based on the writer the only name I consistently recognized as a hallmark of good writing was Brubaker.

Frankenstein is the only Flashpoint book that I'm following. I'm enjoying the hell out of it so far. I enjoyed #1 even more the second time I read it before reading #2.

Album: Midnight Marauders
Track: What?
Underappreciated Gem: Ham n' Eggs

I hate to be the message board curmudgeon…but do we really need the "I get Breaking Bad mixed up with Malcolm in the Middle" joke every time there's a Breaking Bad related article on AV Club?

I'll have to watch this at home later. It's been a long time since I've seen it.

I usually dress up like Booster Gold when I do it.