The T-Dog

O… M…. G…. Harrison 2.0's acting is, as you say, downright painful!

Man, I'd given up on Dexter about two weeks ago, after slogging through every episode until the Great Time Warner Blackout, as the idea of catching up on two (now 3) weeks of this crap sounds about as appealing as having a catheter put in, I now have to watch, just to see Harrison smack into a treadmill!

It's good to have another smart show on the air… I may never go back to watching Dexter, even though the great Time Warner blockade has ended!

Didn't someone accuse Neal of being sort of smart and not the type to be taken in by conspiracy theory bullshit… the same Neal who called a meeting to discuss Bigfoot last season?

The voiceovers turned me off the first time I saw Dexter.  It's always had the crap, but I think they had a few good ideas in the beginning, and then ran out of them, leaving only the crap.

Please, for the love of God, don't forget that he also rents the apartment next door for Harrison.

I gave up last week, and didn't even try to stream it after reading the reviews here first. 

It started out bad and then went downhill from there.

It's made of concrete.  It'll survive.

Who's Zac Braff?  I want to hate him, too.

I refused to watch Dexter for a long time.  I saw an episode from the first season, and I thought Hall's voiceover was too angsty and I just didn't like it.  A year later or so, I visited some relatives who were watching it, and I saw the second to last episode of Season 2.  I thought it was terrible too, with Lila

Who the hell was watching Harrison while you all were referencing the Writer's Room?

Welcome to the fold, joe name!

I gotta admit it.  I just fucking stopped watching.  Sure, there's a way around Time Warner's blockade, but it just ain't worth it.

Yes, tonight's triple-repeated "joke" WAS "Daniel Craig."  And man, can Fonda chew scenery, or what?

That sorta makes sense.

Seemed like it might be fake.  I wasn't agitated by the thought of it being a real baby in the scene (though I figured it would probably freak it out), the thing I couldn't stand was the actresses playing Skyler and Marie screaming at each other at the top of their lungs.

When Anonymous Black Lady Detective emerged from her chrysalis to become Detective Angie Miller, she ascended back to the magical plane where all bit-part characters go.  She's carried out the duties of Mike Anderson (to a somewhat lesser extent), and now she's gotten a name and a title.  Her work here is done.

Do we ever see the second kitchen?

I think the writers would LIKE us to forget that, but it's more likely that they themselves have forgotten that by now.