The T-Dog

According to Todd Van Der Werff, there's not enough weiner in the show. He wrote an entire review about it.

I didn't mind Season 2, but this season's been boring as all hell. And now Carrie's pregnant, ick. Plus we had Zack Hamilton from Dexter, so that's another bad development purely from Season 3. This episode was better, I could still go without the "Carrie's pregnant" plot, but the utter lack of the Brody family was

Right after her hearing with the judge who said that her dismissal from the hospital was denied, she went back to her room in her nice court outfit and swallowed down an entire cupful of pills in front of a nurse.

I'd prefer a beer.

It's boring me to tears. And it's not bad in a fun to rip on way, like Dexter, it's just boring and awful. It almost seemed to pick up the last two episodes before this, but then went rocketing back to boring and now pregnant, too. Ugh.

I never notice WHAT'S going on in Jess scenes, I keep getting distracted by her absurdly augmented lips.

Man, you'd think they'd catch something like that at a hospital before they start giving you all sorts of medications.

I dunno… I get the feeling Todd watched an entirely different episode
than I did. This episode went back into "boring" mode that the first
three episodes were stuck in. Oh, Carrie's pregnant? That's a turn I
didn't want to see this show take. Dana changed her name, and Chris
was, um, there? Yay. Something about

The "F" thing also happened to Dexter.

I was mega-annoyed at Carrie for not being able to figure out if she was let out of the hospital against the CiA's will, then they might, like, be able to locate her if she used her ATM. Or her bank accounts. That was so mind-freezingly stupid.

I don't miss Margaret a single bit.

He can try branching out, but he'll always be "The Hamilton's Son" in cheesy voiceover to me.

Was that Zach Hamilton I spied?

I'm game, as long as they re-recast Harrison and Detective Angie Miller has a cameo.

It's easy to be Dexter's #1 fan when you're its only fan.

Possibly my final Dexter nitpick ever, but seriously, Hannah was boarding a plane in Jacksonville to fly to Argentina, while there was a freakin' Cat 3 hurricane right on her route?   You'd think that'd delay the flight for a little while.

Still sucked, though.

Well, he did kill "Dexter."

OMG… it was, wasn't it?

Nope… it's "Harrison."  Just Batista's weird speech.