The T-Dog

I guess Time Warner is the pawn of Masouka's daughter.

Pretty accurate, but it would be "Hannah McKay."  Always the first AND last name in this show.

Will is such a staunch Repbublican that he probably voted for Dennis Kucinich.

And yet, he was doing some sort of trimming around the general in After Effects or whatever… If he was so crafty, I'm trying to figure out why he didn't just cut out a long continuous clip of the TV playing in the background, and splice it in to his already edited footage?

The Moose guy?

That was "Characterization."

I was seriously considering not watching this episode but now I have to because Jamie is always amusing.

I was wondering about that.  Hopefully they were holding a doll or a fake baby through most of that scene… it did have its back to the camera, and there was a pretty obvious edit before you saw the baby's face.  I can't imagine keeping a real baby around while they were filming all that yelling.. I couldn't stand it

Ripping on this show IS a valid hobby.

Haha just for point 8.  The Harrison saga, otherwise known as the writers have no idea what they're doing and keep writing themselves futher and futher into a corner, has long been my favorite part of this godawful show.

I still can't figure out Maggie's hair situation.  She had the chopped off orange short hair when she was being questioned by the lawyer, AFTER this "Genoa" thing happened, but it seemed like in her flashback that she cut her hair off and dyed it orange after the Uganda thing.  But then in this middle time, which

I didn't see Steven Root's love of basketball as an almost throwaway character bit, I saw it as bashing us over the head with "subtle" characterization.

Tonight's triple repeated "joke" was 6 and a half minutes about an etch-a-sketch.

Boobies, in other words.

Season 6 would have been even better as a final season… instead of Deb finding Dexter and Lumen in the act and then NOT peeking behind the plastic and letting them go… she should have figured it out and caught him at the end of Season 5.   Season 6 could have been spent with the major ramifications of that reveal,

Too many "a"s?

Haha, that was amusing.

Why would the cops have shown up at the door of the people making the prank call?

And then she's going to cut her hair again in the future, when they have that deposition?  Because that's all about how Genoa went wrong or something, and that hasn't happened yet?

Is he the dude that wore the FDNY hat in the "Bin Laden" episode?