The T-Dog

I would recommend watching Dexter first, so anything afterwards will be an improvement.

Was he secretly a TV Club commenter?  Because maybe he was being snarky?

Ooops… I think I went the other way with this post.

Doubt I'll be able to watch this til tomorrow, Time Warner you know.

JAMIE: Here's your pancakes, Harrison.

Wait… explain the hair timeline again?  Because I'm REALLY confused about what happened with Maggie's hair.

I might actually enjoy THOSE flashbacks.

I'm not sure I watched the same episode the reviewer did.  I saw half the time of this episode eulogizing a bit part character, who, though he died like 4 episodes ago now, keeps on coming back.

What really gave me a hairy was when Dexter had to follow Zach all the way to Dr. Vogel's apartment complex, and then watch him get out and talk to her before it dawned on him that that's what Zach was up to.  Where was the Uber Obvious Voiceover then?

They are, however, gettin' PAID.

Heheh, some guy wearing a trenchcoat and a fedora came up to me and said, "Psst, The T-Dog, you wanna rip on the latest episode of 'Dexter'??

From "Jaws?"

Oh, I hope it's the bench!

Completely terrible.

I think you have done a FINE job taking on the duties of Mike Anderson, though to a somewhat lesser degree.

I've never read the books, but I did hear that Astor and/or Cody became killers.  I think that would be a better spinoff (if there seriously HAS to be a spinoff of this terrible show) than one based on Zach, which pretty much guarantees that it'll be a "Zach" spinoff and suck much like "Dexter" does.

I like to ride the saturation!   You can't go wrong with the Moose!

From what I understand, Time Warner is going to "credit" them for however long Showtime is off the air.

It's gonna turn out the Harry was worried that Dexter was going to marry a vampire, and was going to kill Dexter, but he got zapped to Fairyland first.

Maybe it's the bench in disguise?