The T-Dog

I haven't watched the episode due to the Time Warner thing, but I "liked" this comment as a sign of respect.

I'm sure there are "other means" out there, but I wouldn't have the first clue as to where to look.  I don't watch TV or movies generally, but I watch "Dexter" and a few other shows over the weekend at a friend's house.  I don't care for TV shows in general to download 'em.

Now YOU'RE taunting me!

I like the way they kept on driving home that "Gary Cooper" joke, myself.

Because she's the FUNNY lawyer?  Did you see her cracking her two flunkies up?  She's always cracking those guys up.

They should have given "True Blood" and "Hot Shots" a nod by simply naming the kid "Dead Meat" instead of "Daniel."

It did manage to tie in the "Kony 2012" thing that was big for a day or so on the internet until the dude that made the video flipped out and started jacking off on the sidewalk.  I wonder if Will will pontificate on bath salt face eating zombies soon?

The things I can't stand are the repetitive "Gary Cooper" bits.  They always have to do the joke like 3 times.

Um.. I'm probably too dumb to figure out how to watch… of course, I'm also dumb enough to WANT to watch, heheh.

It's like they're taunting me, though… some random chick accusing Dexter of being " a great Dad," and then having him force his nanny to babysit the kid on her birthday.  You know what… I actually feel like I have watched this episode already.

I was already thinking that last week, seems a pretty obvious way for them to go.  What would be better would be a grown up Astor being a killer, but that would require the writers remembering Astor.

This is killing me that I COULDN'T watch.

The fact that he said anything is still pretty amazing.

DAMN YOU TIME WARNER AND CBS!  How can I miss this Jamie drama?

I, too, am missing out.  I'm guessing this is the episode where Dexter finally spends some quality time with Harrison, Jamie quits so she can pursue whatever career she can get with that degree she was working on last year, and Batista humps the LaGuerta Memorial Bench while grunting "tableau" over and over again.

You can DO that?

I'm really torn as to read the reviews about this episode that I can't watch, or if I should wait until Time Warner and CBS get over their tiff to watch it and rip on it later. 

She's awesome this season!

Man.. looks like I won't be able to make fun of tomorrow's episode… stupid Time Warner Cable/CBS dispute!

It's not the lock thing that gets me, it's the way they leave all the incriminating stuff right on their desktop.  Remember Luis, the UberHacker last year?  He had a file—and yeah, he should have had it locked—named something close to "MY EVIL PLAN FOR DEXTER" just SITTING on his desktop, which was a stupid video of