The T-Dog

And the various camera angles?

What was your THAC0, Archmage of the Aether?

Haha, it does, but it actually named her last year.

I'm waiting for Vogel to discover that Dexter sometimes has a son.

For some reason, this guy who underwent some pretty serious psychotherapy didn't want to talk about it with a complete stranger!
[cue 1000th scene of Dexter breaking and entering someone's house]

Friend Zone, evidently!

You ever think of putting that on a t-shirt?

You know, I was sort of hoping we'd be seeing more of the LaGuerta Memorial Bench this season.

If Dexter can't tell the difference between a trail of blood and melted "Yum Yum Pops," he's in the wrong trade.

@avclub-7168bb1710a8992c120e727bad9f9df8:disqus totally nailed the "Who's watching Harrison" timeline in a comment up above, by the way.

He's not as good as the concrete bench, though.

Everybody knows that "Pink Stuff" is the surfire cure to a "Yum Yum Pop" overdose.

Except, of course, that he's going to wind up promoted.

@avclub-6268b0b7bf51f37268028c896393a080:disqus , you can thank The T-Dog for telling you she is Detective Angie Miller, who has taken the role of Mike Anderson, only to a somewhat lesser degree.


And 10 seconds afterwards, he's all like, "My son's all fucked up!"  You think, Harry?  Maybe like you shouldn't have been bringing a 10-year-old to a murder scene no matter HOW much he begged?


What struck me with the gripping Batista/Quinn subplot was Batista telling Quinn to "man up" if he wanted to date Harrison's babysitter.


I'm probably gonna be flayed alive for this, but I don't think Breaking Bad is all that great, either.  It's not as bad as Dexter… that would be a hard act to follow, but it does have its moments.