
Gosh, ElDan, that bit of snark really put me in my place…except for the fact that each time, the writers got show back to "no consequences" zone as quickly as possible. After each one of your statements, I could add "went back to being the weird guy at the Office". That's what no character development means.

Why did this show stop being consistently funny after the second season.

Wrong and Fail. Keep it moving, like the cancerAIDS through your bloodstream.

Ahh, Powder
There is so much to hate about that movie, I'm a little scared to get into all of it. I'm going to go with…the one bully who looked like Eddie Vedder.

Other rioting in China
He's eating the Panda, HE'S EATING THE PANDA!!
Although, in his defense, they are delicious.

If it involves throwing aging rock starts at people, I'm so in. I'm packing Jackson Browne into a tight ball as we speak. Wait…

As well as much better looking

And the racism. Don't forget the racism.

"this lightening storm"
So, they're using bleach to deal with cancer?

And leave out Slap Shot? Pfffft.

Have we blamed Jay Leno Yet?
Because, well, you know…

"No Problem, Jack. You've saved my fur plenty of times." Whiskers, Last Action Hero. They said I'd never get to use that, but who's laughing now? Oh, no one.

"If she can dream it, she'll do it!"
I shudder at the thought of what Oprah might dream of.

But you have your FAIL on Layaway, correct?

He will be missed
I know I'm highlighting the smallest feather in his cap, but I really dug Homicide, much more so than the L&O monolith.

Console is a code word for bone, correct?

…for our lives to be over?

I have a deep sense of foreboding over the prospect of Sarah Palin nudity. I've convinced myself that she has some sort of Quatto happening down there.

Can we just come together and acknowledge that the smoke screen and rockets were, in fact, crap?