
Should have read: "In the film, the safety of the city is up to Malice (Snoop Dogg) who fights crime and strives to bring peace back to his neighborhood, and a freakish amount of weed."

Buoyed By Randy Newman's Songs?
The man is an albatross around our collective music-listening necks. Except for the song at the start of Major League.

And you know this sequel will be better than any of the Matrix sequels.

As long as the Wheel of Morality appears in the DVD extra, I'm happy.

I would suggest to anyone making the "Apple makes a better mousetrap" argument that they try any one of 50 better media players than iTunes. Apple's fanboys are effectively, effete Juggalos.

By the way
Have we mentioned the endless extension their public lives have gotten from being awful Halloween costumes for women who always think they are being incredibly clever? 'Cause that also amplifies their suckitude.

Real Housewives
There is nothing tolerable about these harpies. No scale possible could describe my loathing for them.

William H. Macy, or Brian Doyle Murray.

Cold Souls
How much irrevocable damage was done by that film to Paul Giamatti's cred/rep? Paycheck can be blamed on Affleck, like all bad things in the universe, and Lady in The Water is another bullet in the M. Night misfire gun, but Giamatti really can't slough off any of the blame of that dog on anyone, can he?

And then Love, Right?

Actually, you can awaken a man who is pretending to be asleep: Put your dick in his ear.

I've never been that enamored with Underworld. I appreciate its skillfulness, but it's effectively a cultural pastiche that works harder on being complete than it does on being cohesive.

"I think No Country for Old Men was a better movie. I think your comment is stupid and doesn't understand good cinema."

Ayn Rand
Not to go all South Park here, but really: awful, awful, awful.

You know all this will actually happen, right. Fuck his kids. In the Ear, with a broken bottle.

That's it! I will hug and kiss some poisonous snakes!

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Minnesota.

I would have preferred that sentence to read, "But Adam Sandler did a great little suicide note before he blew his brains out with a shotgun." Yeah, Yeah, Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison were funny, and then they were run into the ground, spawning the back of crap that is Happy Madison Productions, and all the putrid

What's the deal with Seinfeld being remotely popular?

Deeply worried, as that The Office blows.