
A Kindle-Free Universe?
Fuck, we're in one now.

I saw them at the Great blue Heron music festival a few years ago and believe me, they disappointed. I was and am underwhelmed.

Um, Warmotor, not to pick a fight here, but 1. let's actually read Fear and Loathing before discussing it (the film is only paper thin because it is such a horrible version of the book) and 2. homoeroticism comments from MMA fans? Mistake.

You know Marge, I never noticed it before, but you and I are very different people.

In my experience, it's largely based around model. I broke the radio buttons on my 1987 Chevy Cavalier in 1999 in the first punch, but it took four others to stop sound from coming from it. There was a large amount of knuckle damage. Conversely, my 2002 DaeWoo Lanos's radio broke in one punch, with virtually no damage

Apparently, Thor has a fairly large cast and Kenneth Branagh as the director. He was in "Valkrie" so, you know, he…yeah…

Dice Clay was doing a character, effectively. We got tired of the character. That's why he died, comedically. Leary did the same thing, but moved to playing himself in movies/TV, Kinison died before we could get bored. PC/non-PC had nothing to do with it.

The Top Gun
Top Gunner

I've always wondered why Neil Gaiman was satisfied with Stardust as a movie. Excellent writer, not hard up for cash, has no delusions about the Hollywood machine (he's talked/written about how we will die with Sandman unmade), yet he loved the hell out of that de-boning of his work.

Not correct spelling, obviously.

When informed his health insurance wouldn't cover it, he responded "I…will make them pay!!!"

Meh. I'd wine more about the shortage of Scarlett Johannson. However, I fear Spiderman 3 syndrome, so limitation may be good.

Can we safely assume the Pop Culture Crown is, in fact, covered in shit? And if so, who covered it in such?

Congo was awful. I was reading him at what I feel is the ideal time (early teens, excellent vocabulary but unsophisticated) and the sense of drama was ripped out of the book by the character commentaries. Oh, you're talking about what happened, so obviously you made it. Huh, that chracter doesn't seem to have any

If Kate Gosselin were a tree…
We could just stick her in a woodchipper and be done with it…Wait, why haven't we just done that already?

Also, Saran Wrap would have an inferior ripping off noise. That's right, Inferior.

Nurse, Cancel my 3 o'clock

Except for Ben Mankiewicz, who is the taint.

Looking at the Ultimates as a model leads to Ultimate Avengers (good) vs Ultimate X-men (bad).

Interesting Interview
But I don't buy the premise that Blood Meridian is unmakeable. I refuse to believe you could pitch a Western with a villain that Harold Bloom described as the most terrifiying in literature. (Not the AVClub interview, I think from Shakespeare: Invention of the Human)