Where is the Miller High Life

Let's be honest, that's what everyone in the comments section is thinking.

You get more cred with damaged property because it reveals the shitty standards of a music industry gone rampant in consuming the flesh of its own listeners, who will rise up to violenlty overthrow th..oh, I see what you did there, ha.

Well, yes, that is where cred comes out of.

"I'm pretty sure it started all of this."

Yeah, "It's Always Sunny" just opened with a stinker, it has plenty of time to catch up and surpass, and if last night was any implication, that should happen next week.

I'm a molotov cocktail. All of you are Don Perion.

I love Gattaca too. I saw it when I was ten or so on Sci-Fi and spent most of my teenage years trying to figure what the hell the damn thing was called. That was back in the 20th century, before Syfyllys rotted their executives' brains.

I paid $6 for that?

Danny Trejo as Bilbo Baggins. Calling it right now.

Sometimes I wonder, "if I kept going with the quotes, would other people do the same, until we had recited an entire episode?"

We're going to be eaten alive by the Japanese!

Gilliam directing wouldn't be the worst thing, would it? Although, seeing how he's faired with every movie he's ever made, it probably wouldn't be the best either.

I think Lucky Strike out means SCDP out. Don't get me wrong, I love Sal as much as the next guy, but I'm guessing he's part of banana split in SFO right around now, without a thought about SCDP.

Reason #139 I <3 Mad Men
Don looks more graceful waking up from a blackout than entering a Playboy club.

I have to say, if anyone on this show deserves happiness, it's Lane.

No, but it would be super fucking depressing.

Dude, I don't want to sound unappreciative,
But how does Zack Handlen cover this show and not the bitter, self-derogatory metal head of the group? I'm just saying…(*cough* Leonard Pierce is awesome) When does Zack get back?

Her tits
are like Kurt Cobain coming back to life to write a Broadway musical.

Haha, actually, I thought ICP called PCP "oxygen."

The politics of failure have failed! We need to make them work again! Vote for the League!