Where is the Miller High Life

Isn't space dust a euphemism for PCP?

Thank you A.V. Club!
It's very thoughtful of you! How did you know I liked Gaslight? Oh, and all I have to offer is my asshole-ish self. I hope that will do. Seriously, this is super cool.

"So I'm making out with my new boyfriend, and, well, you know how it is when you make out with a guy with a tongue ring…"

He's the sovereign.


Yeah, it works for the guys in Oasis.

Not on Don's watch!

She was fidgeting with stuff down there. Although, until I'm to believe it, I think I need to see video proof. Hot, dirty, sexy video proof.

The theme of the season is what do you want vs. what's expected out of you and that was definitely at work with Peggy getting pulled in both directions from both sides of the culture.

Is this the end
of the Hankenator's awesome hockey hair? I'm all for him being his own person but that Brock inspired hair looked pretty bitchin'.

They weren't sentient. They were controlled by his arm and leg that detached themselves. At least that's what I thought was going on.

I thought this was an "A" episode, but I realize I tend to rate episodes with how excited they get me for next week (or later on in the season) in mind. So I loved all the pieces that got set up tonight, even if they didn't quite click yet. Also, I was mildly pleased to see that Hank is totally the badass super spy he

She was an astronaut. Of cock. Seriously.

"Is it bad?"
"No actually."

Oddly enough I was not.

Yeah, the Taylor Thomas one. "The Adventures of Pinocchio" Wikipedia says.

There already a live action version? It came out when I was five and I didn't want to see it is how my memory goes.

You know what they call people who work Saturdays in Washington D.C.? Hookers.

I thought (*) was an butthole emoticon.

The silent majority was there. They apparently don't vote, though, seeing as Obama was elected President by a majority. Weird, right?