Where is the Miller High Life

They'll pay you what they want to I'm sure.

Then we don't call him truant. We call him a criminal.

I remember my body. Flabby, pasty-skinned, riddled with phlebitis. A good Republican body. God, how I loved it.

Can I offer you a delicious wine in a can?

I'm guessing that this is about 100x better than the actual script.

@Geddy Lee Marvin
I would totally see that as a double feature with "Treatise : An Erotic Journey Through Man's Natural Rights."

Wait, I'm confused. Is it mean, intolerant and "judgemental" when we name bands that have played at Calvin or haven't? So, basically, should Noah and the Whale or Stryper go here 8—->[]?

I always imagined Lady GaGa smelled like, you know when you drink too much whiskey and vomit in the toilet and then go home for the weekend without flushing, and your roommate spends the weekend chain smoking and leaving cigarettes all over the bathroom between throwing away used condoms he used to fuck his girlfriend

D'Yer Mak'er smell like La'dy G'aga?

Here here! Keep our smut American. NObama wants to make our smut hotter and sexier than our forefathers would have ever allowed. If an overweight woman with liver spots and herpes was good enough for Ben Franklin it's good enough for, uh, other Americans.


Won't SOMEONE think of the children!?

Don't we all?

Where is here?

I'd give Dr. Miller my coat…

Does anyone know if A.V. Club is going to cover it again?

"He makes me want to learn more about the Founding Fathers!"
Ralph Wiggum: The original Glenn Beck. Never imitate an original.

They don't serve food on airplanes anymore. The plastic knifes required to cut it can be used to hijack the plane you insensitive bastard. Remember, if their is apple juice on a plane, the terrorists win.

Wouldn't that make them bartenders and waiters? 'Cus I know a lot of bartenders and waiters that are in bands