Where is the Miller High Life

And be easier to follow.

Did anyone ever figure out
Who shot Mr. Burns though? It was Smithers, righ? 'Cus Maggie makes no sense.

You're Donna Chang? You're not Chinese! Did you just say ridicurous? That's it, the divorce is back on!

I dated a Chinese girl that was her own ecosystem once.

I think we need to invent an award that actually means something for them.

Trudy: "I wanna see those two men pound each other."

Oh, I'm so glad Mark's gone. Kid was a little crap, although Peggy's mom snarling that "there aren't many nice boys after you" infuriated me the most about that whole ordeal.

Roger's just a souse. A souse myself, I can confidently say that drinking with sober people is akin to being in a personal hell. I mean, the guy's fucked Joan. I think he qualifies as more heterosexual than anyone in these comments.

Am I the only person who doesn't find it outside the realm of possibility that Don kills himself at the end of the series? Matthew Weiner could shrug and say "it's been in the opening credits for all these years people!" Note; this is not what I want to happen, it's just that as Don's sunk into his depression

Yeah, and it makes it a bit sadder because Don's already won the big battle they had in season 2. Also, I always kind of suspected Duck was after Peggy to get back at Don, but this just proved it, and made it that much more pathetic.

It was beautiful. It's a moment that pangs your heart like a submarine sonar.

I've got Dish. It just started broadcasting in HD a couple weeks ago, so, I don't know… it looks amazing though!

I Love AMC in HD
The vomit spot on Don's shirt looked beautiful. It's attention to detail like that that makes Mad Men so beautiful to watch.

Everything I know about life I learned from "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blowfish."
Seriously Rabin, thanks for covering these, and giving me an excuse to spend several hours re-watching old Simpsons episodes.

I'm so glad that was said. It's restored a little bit of my faith in humanity.

Shotgun hobo: the cure for the common hobo.

Oh, don't get me started on the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame.

"Cinderella" for jaded assholes?

You guys can talk all the shit you want, but from what I understand, Rachel Evan Woods gives the performance of a lifetime as a quietly seething grown-up daughter consumed by the conflicting emotions of reuniting with her homeless father and dealing with his new found love of his shotgun that captures the universal

Both those bands best aren't that great to begin with.