Where is the Miller High Life

No, I agree, Bob Dylan's been around so long I hesitate to count him. I'm surprised he hasn't released an Avant-Garde album of his morning rituals set to power tools in the background. And you know what? I would probably listen to that. I just can't forgive that shitty Christmas album.

You're not talking about his Christmas album, are you?

According to Sigourney Weaver, James Cameron is super talented mutant or something, though I have yet to see anything he's done that doesn't suck ass.

"Cut the Crap" doesn't exist. I refuse to acknowledge it, which means it doesn't exist, lalalalalala I can't hear you.

Why do you guys live in towns that don't suck and have theaters owned by the Church of Mormon? That double bill sounds amazing. I'd grab a pint of Dark Eyes and be there like that.

Don't just look at it, Elaine, eat it? Is that what you're getting at?

"I love it."
"So do I."

Yeah, I agree, "Fight Club" is a way better movie.


We're fucking professionals here people!

I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting really good at putting my pants on in one smooth, glorious motion.

Speaking of "Matilda," have you guys ever looked at Danny DeVito's producing credits? Fucking impressive is all I have to say.

Uh, Snopes, what what?
No, seriously though, I remember reading something from Boots about how the media was trying to white wash the whole event and thinking, "yeah, guy's got a point." I didn't actually realize "Party Music" was slated for a 9/11 release though.

After all, a wise man once said, "you gotta beat the motha' fuckin' labels."

Except it got delayed and the artwork was redone. So, no, it was not released on 9/11, and no, it did not depict the trade towers being destroyed. At least not in this universe.

Dear [commentator]:
Has it really been [100/1000/100000] comments? If not, please disregard, and return to work.

Leftover Crack's "tower-toppling 'Mediocre Generica'" - 9/11/01. The fact that their next album was called "Fuck World Trade" leads me to believe they won.

Just the tip…

@3rd prize
That was always my argument to people who claimed that Bush was a great president because of how he lead the U.S. through the wake of 9/11.