Where is the Miller High Life

I think it's fitting
That Roger Sterling's best career move ever was getting shit faced with Don Draper.

Bright n' naive Don because of how he enthusiastically tells Roger he does their advertising.

You know what's going on here, right?

So how much would she have had to pay you to do that?

Touche, sir, touche.

Yeah, I wanted that bar too. It had wheels; how awesome is that? I would have dropped out of school and started selling drinks on the corner from "Sterling's Incredible Mobile Bar."

In the words of Stephen Colbet, "and I say this as satire: Sarah Palin is a fucking retard."

I also love how Betty bitches about Don not being involved and then has Carla drop Sally off at her first therapy session.

"As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport."
-Gloucerster, King Lear
"Who's that?"
"Just some fly I keep swatting away"
-Don Draper, Mad Men

@Penguin - "Hank's Got the Willies" from Season One. FYI.

Eh, King of the Hill I could take or leave. That's how they say things in Arizona!

The resurgence of playing arcade games?

Oh, yeah, okay.
I was actually hoping this was a documentary featuring Maggie Gyllenhaal in a vibrator factory. This…kind of makes more sense though. (sigh)

Dammit, my area code has a one in it. No awesome exchange name for me.

No, seriously, George splayed out on the ground in his underwear is George in a still frame. Jerry saying "And you want to be my latex salesman" is their relationship in a word. It's a perfect moment in the hall of fame of comedic moments.

Yeah, I'd argue sexual assault and deviance, but not rape. She physically put the semen inside herself, but his actions altered the sample, and she might be able to press charges against him for masturbating in her bathroom. I don't know, I feel like that might be illegal? Can you just crank one out in a friend's

Oh, hardballs…to be young and homeless again.

"Oh no! Bruno! Too much is not enough!"

After reading all the comments so far, I think a recurring theme might be "watching too much porn."

@ Violet Crumbles - The fact that I know what you're talking about leads me to believe we both might watch too much porn.