Where is the Miller High Life

@Shaney McShane - I hadn't made that connection, even after sitting through Bear Force One. Oh man, you made my day.

I stayed up and watched "Dead Girl," "The Exorcist," and "Teeth" all in the same night. I now understand why gay men are terrified of vaginas.

"CELEBRITIES!!1! = business expenseses"

When you assume you reveal the the basic fallacies of your own logic and reveal yourself, and those you are discussing with, to be asses. No, she is not.

If you want to go with that logic, Nazism has an ethos too.

Not Roger Sterling. I think we all owe him a great big round of applause for getting Joan to wear that red dress with the bow. "The one that makes [her] look like a present waiting to be unwrapped." When I am old and senile and can't remember my children's faces I'll remember that dress.

The one where she banged a random dude in a bar was a highlight of the show I think. Other than that, Betty needs one of the other main characters around her, otherwise there's nothing to counteract her sniveling bitchiness. Which gets old.

I have to say Sgt. Hatred really grew on me this last season. He's pathetic and powerless in the face of his addictions and his disappointments in life but he still goes about his job with a zest that's infectious. Also, that scene where Hank dresses up as Princess Tinyfeet to lure him out of the panic room so 21 can

Ah shit,
Ken Cosgrove all up in the mother fuckin' hizzie! Also some rich chick.

This was a great season.
Thanks for covering it Leonard. It made it that much more enjoyable. Here's hoping they get a fourth one.

"How do I tell you this, my boy?
We're in hell."
Eugene's dad has the funniest lines in the episode.

Very small rocks?

Yes, such as "Paint Thinner Happy Jesus Time in Mobile" by Kujiwara Izowa, a benchmark of enlightenment literature.

Now now, everyone loves a good circle jerk.

There is a special place in hell for people who like "Wheel in the Sky."

I'm sure she'll totally let you put your p in her v because of it.

I always feel like the entire first half of the album is very enjoyable filler between "Ambling Alp" and "O.N.E."

@Emperor Jim - Totally. Before you know it we'll be finishing each other's sandwiches and reading each other's heads.

The U.S. version has gotten so bad recently though. The universe it's created seems wired to make Michael succeed not in spite of, but because, his zany incompetence, and this has come to infuriate me. The U.S. version will never have a moment where Michael gets fired while wearing an ostrich costume and that is its