Where is the Miller High Life

Someone recently told me that they much prefer True Blood to Mad Men because they "can't stand the rampant sexism of Mad Men."
I'm still slightly baffled by that one.

I actually just switched it. I saw yours on a Newsfeed articled and was totally bummed.

The truth is Fry is everyone and everyone is Fry. His sadness is their sadness and their sadness is his. His joy is their joy and their joy is his.

I laughed at that shit.

Good point. I really miss Paul. He was always failing at something wonderfully amusing.

I think that, given practically every other character's rich and patient characterization, they feel very flat. I think the Glen/Betty thing was interesting but I couldn't help but think "Dude, I'm so bummed to see you here again" when Glenn popped his head up.

It would have totally ruined Christmas though.

What Don can do really well, when he's on top of things, is engage people in a way where he controls their conversation. He creates a shifting reality where he's always one step ahead. He wasn't doing that at the start of last week but the brief bit of his interview we see seems to suggest he will again. This week

The only thing less informative than the "next week" previews are the "previously on AMC's 'Mad Men'" recaps.

I think one of the reasons people are making the Tony Soprano comparisons has to be Weiner's commentaries for the "Best Of" marathon, which were kind of scathing of Don, especially his interactions with Betty. Personally, I just keep thinking of Don in the pilot telling Pete he'll "die in that corner office, a

His rambling monologues are simply delightful.