The Reptilian Agenda

Hey Hagar

Again, though, the Hotel Love montage is sort of how the Book of the Dead ends (or rather, how the "trip" ends before rebirth).

STACKABLE, I meant. She can be stacked into/onto others like her.

She's fuckin STACKED.

All you people saying Scott Pilgrim was a good film… you're blowing my mind.

And the hoverboards are present in the "original" 2015, not the Biff-created version.

If they're not giving Nolan a nomination, they're sure as SHIT not giving Affleck a nomination.

I think 2010 has been the best 10. But it's the only one I was alive for, so it's more of a guess.

Relax, Polly. Jesus.

Nice. I still can't believe the lack of love for Book of Eli, Buried, and The Town. NOBODY talked about these movies and they were easily some of the best of the year.

1976, yo.

I think the main problem with nominating those movies, like all his movies, is that they are terrible.

I am convinced.
There is a god, and Charlie Sheen is HIM.

If you think that kid'll be alive in 15 years, you're crazier than Sheen.

What are you in for?

You'd think it would be a no-brainer. The few things I've seen of Alex Jones (not including this one), he sometimes seems like he's saying some real shit, but HE is crazy. Icke though is both crazy and wrong about everything.

Are they cozy? I thought they hated each other (based on a youtube clip I saw years ago where Jones says Icke is a fucking idiot for believing in aliens). So I might be behind the times.

Wow, Alex Jones sounds a lot like Mr. Eddy. Maybe Billy ray Cyrus isn't crazy after all…

Exactly. Kinopio nailed it. What the fuck does he care at this point?

Once you lock your PR rep in the closet, you're pretty much free to say whatever the fuck you want.