The Reptilian Agenda

I'd have a lot more faith in Alex Jones
if he believed in THE REPTILIAN AGENDA.

Different made-up ridiculous names.

When Arcade Fire finally earns their EGOT pendant
then we can talk. They can write a musical. Arcade Fire: Turn Off The Dark.

I write the songs. ALL the songs.

Now where am I going to go to stare at the Criterion Collection?

A movie with "Repo" in the title.

That Elfman joke.

Yeah well I'm not gonna let some freakin OWL of all things talk to me about a thought process. Suck on THAT, owl!

Salvia and country music are both gateway drugs. He needs to claim some responsibility here.

9/11 was way too subtle to have been a Lynch project.

Oh, and it IS funny that after 20 years of being famous he's just now realizing the entertainment industry is completely evil. Incredible.

Ok. You convinced me. Fuck this guy.

No, I mean, I get it. He's afraid of Satan, which IS crazy, but… just the tone of this piece is almost unbearably cruel. Dude's a piece of shit, and deserves ridicule, absolutely, but I don't know. Maybe it's me.

This is a pretty hatefully-written piece… much moreso than the usual snark we get around here. 'Sup?

Even though Just Like Honey is great, and works, I've always wished it ended with the original More Than This over the end credits.

My favorite is still "Club promoter Gay Liotta is back. And this time… he's… gone… CRAZY."

If you HAVE TO do recurring characters, that's how you do it. Don't trot it out every goddamn week, and when you do write them, make them funny as fuck.

Yeah. And fuck Zack G. When'd he get so fucking powerful?

This is great for me
because he's made a lot of movies I haven't seen. I'm sort of a completist like that.

It's like the opposite of Scorsese casting Albert Brooks. Or something.