
I mean they can likely take comfort in the fact that that genetic material likely comes from being super terrible human beings..I mean my dad's south asian genetic material certainly comes from British Empire growth (not that my dad is a white supremacist…because he is not).

And claimed it was sexist to criticize her for wearing her ammo necklace.

Yup, it's about Jenny Humphrey going off to boarding school.

Everything in that series and the series that birthed it is trashy and terrible.


I've had zero interest in seeing Inglorious Basterds, but the past 5-ish days have made me rethink that position mightily.

Trust me, I'm not arguing in favor of him and celebrating him.

I love hearing stories like this because I feel like we have historically heard too much from the "It was a super tough decision and I regret it or it still haunts me to this day" reaction. I know that those are actual reactions that people have had, but I imagine that it makes it hard for women with your reaction

I mean she was super naughty and ran through wheat fields….

I'd rather have Gob Bluth as our President….

He literally tweeted recently asking why there are still other apes if we evolved from them…so yes.

It was his birthday yesterday.

And while you could argue that Germany had also targeted population centers with the Blitz, the sheer scale of destruction in Dresden should give anyone pause.

I've never been a fan of his, but he's been beyond disgusting of late.

I'm guessing Dresden….

Nothing but applause over this.

American history is basically one long story where the moral is 'don't trust whitey.'

These same people condemned the whole 'grab her pussy' thing and look how much they fucking meant that.

And punching Nazis is wrong. Let's not forget that hand-wringing moment from January.

You and about 80% of the commentariat.