
I will never get why people are so opposed to an inclusive society. Yes, I know that part of it is "but I might not get a job." But if you can't get a job in that environment, then you weren't qualified for it.

This review has done more to make me want to see this movie than any of the advertising for it that I've seen.

Unless it involves the most massive retcon with Tracy living a long and happy life….I don't care.

I honestly want to know how many teen girls went from reading Twilight to reading Wuthering Heights.

True that may be, but it didn't do it's job. I mean I can remember 'did I do that?' ' how rude,' and 'not the mama.'

What I remember about Reading Rainbow:

How he didn't win an Emmy for that episode is beyond me.

He gets no pass from me.

And now I feel very sad again.

They absolutely do not because they do not see that they have done anything wrong.

I mean McConnell IS a dinosaur who should retire, but his comments weren't exactly wrong about the Orange Gasbag.

This site makes even my magazine's old site look like a work of art and that site was a hunk of garbage.

Only the trolls felt my wrath.

The second this fucking wannabe celebrity became the (gonna vomit here) POTUS is the second that anything in his presidency became pop culture. Given that he almost certainly ran only so that he could set himself up with a lucrative Fox News-esque situation….

You'd think that they'd learn 'I was only following orders' doesn't work after WWII, but since apparently we like Nazis now….what the fuck do I know?

See and this why I hate the people who are all 'oh it's never happen. They wouldn't let him push the shiny, red button.'

So who's in for getting drunk and just being as numb as possible until something happens….

I'm definitely not one of the commenting elite around here, although I think that I do alright for myself, but like many of those elite I'm not sure that I'll be sticking around to comment once the transition happens.

Me too! I'd forgotten how it looked, but it seriously looks so much nicer than what we have now. Certainly easier to find content.

Whether that would ever happen will likely depend on the success of something like the new Star Trek, which is literally the only reason to pay an insane amount for CBS's service.