
I have to go, but it's been real. See you on the Kinja side.

::weird music with people musically wailing plays::

That's too far good sir!

I saw Euro Trip in the theater…evening price.

I'll agree with you on that.

That's just fact.

Michael Fassbender looks like bland potatoes made a face.


You are so very right about the latter.

How many Maclarens do you own?

In all sincerity, your Middle reviews and Random Roles…one of the best things on this site.

Scott Pilgrim is Edgar Wright's best work.

Plus, it's WAY better than mine.

I think Breaking Bad is seriously overrated.

A+, great ratio

And the funny thing is that I think that a lot of the anti-Stratfordian sentiment started in the US because apparently even in the beginning we were all "everything English is classy AF." I mean Ben Jonson in his famous poem about Shakespeare pointed out his lack of education in the 2 classical languages that would've

Uh….high-five for your anti-Stratfordian thing! It always bums me out when I find out that an actor I really admire buys into that codswallop (looking at you Rylance and Jacobi).

Already done.

God Eccleston was great.

It's happening at 10 or 11 AM CT.