
What a pair of morons.

Because that deal pre-dated even the oh-so exclusive deal that they're now going to not renew, likely nothing.

Look I have Netflix, Hulu, and a streaming service for Asian Tv. I don't need more.

I was part of the Titanic hype machine as I saw it at the theater 5 times (I was a a 15-year-old girl…so basically the intended audience). These days I cannot understand what I was thinking.

I hope against hope that once Disney bought everything that they'd be super smart and do the whole 'we're going to put it back in the vault' thing and put out the original versions. I mean people would buy them in droves, but the it didn't happen.

Technically it was a DIVX, but it was Ever After.

Uh, while not reaching the heights of later seasons, the first season of Buffy was actually pretty good. I will insist until I die that the only reason people think that it's bad is because of what followed. If it had continued in the season 1 vein, it would never be considered a touchstone of pop culture, yes, but it

I agree and I'm all for calling them out. It's just going to be awhile before they change.

Most definitely and as expected, loved it.

I mean had Fuller not seen the writing on the wall and given a satisfying ending (I think that he learned that lesson from not being able to do one for Pushing Daisies), then I'd be all for a new season. And there is a part of me hoping for something about Clarice Starling..or whatever anagram he'd come up with.

When we hear that they want to bring back Hannibal and Friday Night Lights, we'll know it's really dire.

I love it.

Honestly I always think of him as Sir John Middleton whenever I saw him.

Looking toward networks for anything along these lines seems foolish.

And Mary Cherry was always good.

And would actually be WAY more realistic because so many abductions stem from custody battles.

What does it say that although that would've been awful and let to even further division, I'd give anything to be in that timeline?

He really is the living embodiment of Mr Potter…..

You know your movie adaptation sucks when someone who has almost no idea what's going on thinks that it looks like garbage. I am that person and I've seen this trailer A LOT.

Oh you poor, poor, poor person. Every single time one of the inevitable spin-off sequels comes out, I roll my eyes and pity the parents who will have to sit through that inanity about a million times.