
It doesn't help that I just don't find anyone in that movie attractive. And I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Soderbergh.

I really don't like abduction movies that involve strangers kidnapping kids because it feeds into that whole 'stranger danger' thing which is such a small percentage of actual abductions.

There's a full synopsis of it on the wikipedia page if you just need to know how it ends.

I'll grant you that. I just wish that it wasn't all "oh hahaha moms in situations you wouldn't think of…because they're moms."

And here I am getting excited about The Last Jedi…..

Never have I been more happy that I don't have kids… And you couldn't pay me enough money to watch the Shades of Grey movies. For a million, I might see the Magic Mikes….

I'll allow that you're right on that front.

Just because Nigel Farage is a moron without an ounce of critical thinking ability….doesn't mean that the movie should be seen as Brexit-related.

I mean you can argue about Nolan and his use of female characters in his other movies, but man is that statement from Marie Claire just moronic.

Yeah, I'm with you on this. And yes, I'd like to see something about the Indian army in WWII because I suspect that's very, very, very complex and sounds like a movie I'd actually care about.

Why is there this glut of "oh moms are actually people who might even be fun/bad" movies? Like is the market that massive for an idea that should be beyond old news in 2017?

To hide the fact that his assets amount to a subway token from '85, a couple of sticks of Wrigley's Double Mint, and an IOU from Jared Kushner?

I'd rather spend time listening Robert Durst burp his way through an afternoon than spend a single nanosecond with this orange idiot. That's how bad this POS is….. He's made Robert Durst into only the second worst scion of a NYC real estate developer.

Between this story and the one that he wants to look into affirmative action and how it discriminates against poor, poor white people, I've seen a lot more coverage about the latter. And while this story may not mean harm to others, I'd argue that it still matters, as a way of showing just how scornful he is of an

Unfortunately, it's really, really hard to be successfully accused of treason because our founding fathers made it hard as they were technically being treasonous when they broke off from the US.

No one I know is looking at this and thinking that he's a clown, at least no one that I know. It's one more tiny thing that adds to our burning hatred of a man who is nothing but venal, gross, self-serving, well the list could go on and who may have irreparably hurt the United States and its standing in the world.

Do I want the downfall of this bumbling buffoon? Yes.

I mean sure any house that isn't caked in so much gold that even Louis XIV would ask if it were too much would be a dump to him….

I mean..I'd vote for him…

Just….can he go away????