

Shhhhhh, we don't want to remind Death that he's still alive (although I'm still mad that his role in Force Awakens was 4 minutes tops).

One of those rare actors who I could just hear their voice and know it was them immediately.

This isn't shocking at all. They expanded very fast and often into markets that couldn't sustain it (I mean 2 that I know of are in malls that themselves will be dead in no more than 18 months). That's to say nothing of their selling style. It's pushy and likely to lead to you leaving with $50 worth of tea that you'll

And yet we're supposed to believe that those kids can provide able assistance to running the US government….

Oh you just know the POS is watching him and going "see that really is how REAL men talk."

Did he think that the reporter was his therapist? Does he not get how the reporting situation works?

I mean I will say that I have been known to read something that I never thought I'd read, so there is a chance that down the road a copy will find its way into my hands. So who knows?

Please everyone, don't watch it or tweet about. Please, no reviews. Even I am getting fatigued about this whole thing and that's saying something because I have a high tolerance for repetition.

I think that it could be a valid criticism, but just because a book is 1000 pages doesn't mean that it doesn't need to be 1000 pages. I mean does the Twilight series need to be as many pages as it is? Absolutely not!

I haven't, in part because I find his persona so repugnant (please note that he is far from the only author who has also gotten onto my 'unlikely to ever read' list for this reason). Plus, I've got a stack of books about 3 feet high at all times next to my bed. I don't really need to add more to it.

I think that anyone who wants to be a book critic would tend toward being a snob. And I say that as someone who can be a snob when it comes to books.

He has always struck me as one of those writers who self-anointed themselves and everyone bought into it. Of course, I always wonder if we need another white male writer in the genre of so-called literary fiction.

The second that I stop calling out racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-semitism, the list goes on. The second that others like me stop because someone like you told them that it wasn't worth doing…is when all is lost. Saying something isn't everything, but in this day and age (especially now when being a halfway decent

And calling it out, trying to stop it, not worth doing….good to know.

I imagine because she thought, like a lot of others that the whole leaked sexual assault audio would sink him because it would've sunk ANYONE ELSE. Add to that the fact that Democrats have a tendency to stay home when they think that their vote won't matter…

I don't know. Somehow it feels like admitting that he's super corrupt makes him less corrupt than our current administration because they still won't own up to anything…

I agree. I am so tired of Blue Collar being synonymous with moron who thinks that coal is coming back and 'them Mexicans took our jerbs.' For most of my life, my dad was definitely a Blue Collar guy, worked a lot of construction. He's also absolutely appalled by the state of this country and nearly went into doomsday

Silly me, I thought more than 3 decades of public service, the ability to speak well and knowledgably, and other things were reason enough to vote for HRC over a sexual assaulter with a long, long history of conning people out of money and declaring bankruptcy because of bad business decisions…

The funny thing is that he wasn't a working class kid….despite what his appearance and attitude would have you believe.