
This just makes me sick. I know that many politicians in the highest echelons make lots of money in various ways, but if at heart you aren't driven by a desire to make the world better (although I may disagree with what constitutes as better), then you should stay away. Government does not equal the ultimate

My guess is because this attacks an already highly vulnerable group of people. And trust me, we still have our minds on healthcare, Russia, travel bans, and all of the other asinine stuff he's tried to do.

Thank. You. I've found this very sentiment to be quite icky. I suspect it has something to do with Vietnam.

Except that trans people have been there fighting and bleeding for everyone and guess what the fact that they were trans had fuck all to do with their ability.

On one hand, I agree. I find the whole idea that only through military service are you being the ultimate patriot, doing the ultimate for your country…very troubling. There are few wars that really needed to be fought and even then reasons to not fight them.

He was never going to win. Not ever. I liked his policies, but he was never going to win. When we live in a country that's scared of ACA, he was never going to win.

Fuck those people, if they refused to vote for her in the end.

I'm going to be dead by the end of the year at this rate.

You got that wrong idiot. It's because of Muslims and Middle Eastern people and their love of knowledge that we were able to rediscover the knowledge that the Greeks and Romans had found.

You have to love when they're so open in their hatred of a world where everyone has a seat at the table.

Go back to the Dark Ages you fucking moron.

Neither of them are. Get over it. It's 2017.

So we'll be going bankrupt any minute now….

Being transgender is NOT a mental illness. Get it through your thick skull and then tell your bigoted buddies.

The lack of self-awareness will kill us.

I am just so tired of the suppression of voters. If you're really so great and awesome, you shouldn't need to depend on quashing the constitutional rights of your fellow Americans to win.

But dontcha know that all of those people are coastal elites/voted illegally/aren't real/add other stupid ass thing?!?!?!? Only the MAGA crowd are "real" Americans.

Because we somehow equate having lots of money with being a good, moral person. It's what helps us sleep at night, because we think that we're too good to be out on the streets.

If Dick Cheney is anything to go by, it'll never happen.

Unfortunately you have Nigel "owner of the most punchable face to ever exist" Farage going on about schoolchildren needing to see Dunkirk, with the very overt subtext being because it's all about Britain being strong and BRITISH BRITISH BRITISH.