What a coincidence! I keep a giant analog clock on a golden chain around my neck, as befits a politically-driven rap group's hype man.
What a coincidence! I keep a giant analog clock on a golden chain around my neck, as befits a politically-driven rap group's hype man.
In Biggie's honor, tonight for dinner I had a T-bone steak, cheese, eggs, and Welch's grape.
Legit Muppetry?!?
Yes, but beware of the explosively hot innards.
In a word (or two, or three): off-brand Muppets.
Holy shit that's a good find. Great hustle. Big ups to Jerry Minor.
Still confused. Nobody's commenting about stopping Boko Haram on Monty Python videos!
I really liked how Carol kind of loosened up from episode 2. Especially when Phil presented her with a hammer to smash the jewelry case and she rolled out of there with all the rings.
I mean, ya can't argue with 57.5 million hits.
Mostly Hot Pockets, I'd imagine.
Seriously, I'm confused. What's the connection to Kony?
KHMaggot674 months ago
I know all of these words, but nothing about this sentence makes sense to me.
TV is straight ballin' right now (even though I only watch one of the aforementioned shows).
Awwwww, don't sulk.
You are so smart! You are so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T!
Ahhhhh, dammit. I didn't even consider that.
Which normally would make perfect sense, because horses are herbivores.
Finally. A solution to the eternal hyena/ marmot/ horse/ ocelot/ cabbage crossing-the-river puzzle!
Well, yeah. But I will say that my hyena and my ocelot and my marmot and my horse do not get along at all.