Melted Kojak

♫♫Sensible night
Appropriate night
Snow on ground
Left and right
Round yon purchase
Of decorative things
Tolerant rewrite
Of carols to sing
Function with relative ease
Function with relative ease♫ ♫

Inside is a really great game to play while drunk. One handed controls on the PC and drink in the left hand. At first I was like "no WASD movement?" And then I was like, "oh no!" And then I was like, "this is a story".

But at least we can both agree on one thing: FAHK THE SAWX.


It does actually make sense. Grammatically, even! It could be interpreted as "I can only see as far as you, the subject of this quote". And the usage of "thee" gives it just a soupçon of Old Testament badassery. In fact, I think I prefer it to the original phrase.

Hey, Disqus actually added a great new feature!

Asian Population Studies is such a great stealth Chang episode.

Hey! It's time for another edition of What's Kojak Getting Down With These Days, In Terms Of Dope Music Shit, Currently??

Random Community thread?!? You just threw up the Kojak-signal, LB.

Congratulations, MJ Standard!

Melted Kojak Reports Some Music News That May Be Somewhat Late. But Still.

I step off to no one. In fact, some say I float like gravity.

Crawfish are bad this season. I know crawfish people. The greatest people. They'll bring you crawfish. Obama crawfish? Sad.

Hi, Birdie. Long time listener, first time caller.

I'm faring better than that bear, for sure. Terminally sleepy. Yet not tired. A little drunk. Kind of hungry. Otherwise brilliant.


I remember you posting a YouTube link to this album! It actually ended up in my top 20 albums list for that year because of you.