
I don't remember Dee having any problems with sexuality- and the shit in her hair line also seemed to be in keeping with her personality- woman doesn't have any dignity at all- maybe we've been watching different Dee's

this seems similar to ray ray's theory that wars only start in places where people don't get enougn pussy

I think liev schreiber needs to be in more movies about russian jews… he does that really well

If it is as good as dean pelton's greendale commercial I will see it

everyone here is saying melissa mccarthy is unattractive- and that's hilarious

I don't know- he had some moves with that sheep

I would definitely still shag him- and I'm as shallow as any one of  you people

she does look a lot like elizabeth shue

poor ranger rick- I liked that guy

I don't know, I was really digging him in that black turtleneck…

I don't know chang got pretty dark in that episode where he thought he was a detective- he was still funny but in a creepy way-

oh and one more thing- I love this show with all my heart

this was better than remedial chaos theory- but maybe because I geeked the hell out about the heart of darkness parody- sue me
and Jeff as the Dean was something indescribably beautiful

I can't explain it but there was something magical in watching charlie dance for dennis while high on turpentine

I'll be there for the nathan lane

I think you missed the part where I said, "I know that's wrong"… also I was saying what my reaction was to the character. I hated her, I couldn't help it… and that's great that you liked seeing severe depression portrayed onscreen, good for you, and good on the movie for dealing with that issue… but that wasn't what I

how is that? because I said I felt uncomfortable with the film because of my own problems with depression? what's bad about that? I wasn't saying the film was bad I was simply saying I had trouble watching it.

NO… NO…NO… this isn't happening to me….

I have my own problems with depression so dunst's performance was triggering… that's why I said that

yeah the scruff was sexy