
Stone seemed incapable of defending his Putin love in any coherent way, a Russian Putin apologist would've done better, and I know a few.

I didn't watch the movie but I saw five minutes of it offhand on HBO and in the scene I saw DeNiro was speaking in profile, what struck me was the size and crookedness of his nose, so large and crooked it reminded me of those quaint old depictions of Jews in Nazi Propoganda, leading me to check how large Bernie

How the fuck has no one mentioned Bubble Boy yet?

There are only two late night hosts who matter, Craig Ferguson and Colbert. The rest are garbage.

I have one problem with this show, if having babies is so important, and they have stated that many have babies but through complications those babies die, then why when they showed the birthing ceremony was it so fucking archaic? Where are the doctors? Where is any sort of medical support? They have subjugated women

There's this weird idea in America that our democracy is impervious to the types of shit that happens in other countries, and this is a dangerous idea, one that I think allowed Trump and his ilk to be elected… like "oh we'll be fine, nothing really bad can happen here"… Bullshit, nothing that happens in this show is

"Gladiator, which was more or less an action movie even though the action scenes themselves were basically incoherent."- INCOHERENT? I studied that movie in editing class, the actions scenes were perfectly cut and remarkably coherent more than anything that's come out since then, you don't know anything.

I hate piece of shit antisemite "jews in ovens jokes" Mel Gibson but I really love…. nah just kidding… I used to watch The Patriot though for Heath Ledger, I miss him.

This movie was beautifully done and classic but also terrible and boring. And I tried hard to like it, I'm one of James Gray's seemingly few hard core stans, but this was a let down. Charlie Hunnam sucks in it too.

Seriously that line!!!!! Elijah is everything

For me the whole thing was worth it (all six seasons of this show), just to hear Elijah call them "feckless whores", I nearly died:")

I only need to know one thing, was that Matthew Rhys actual penis?

so it's Ok when women are abused for commerce? nice logic

for the love of god white men are not persecuted in this country, get a grip

I was citing a specific instance in my life where I thought Tina Fey struck a low blow and the joke was actually aimed at people like me. I don't agree with any comedy that's lazy and punches down instead of up. You don't have to explain to me what race is thanks though. Call it whatever you want, her joke was looking

Are you Russian? No? Then go away.

Most offensive thing she's ever said imo was in Date Night "work that pole like a russian immigrant"… still haven't totally let that one go… as someone who's first generation American I was actually taken aback. But then again it's nowhere near whatever the fuck Kate McKinnon was doing on SNL with her Russian lady


I wasn't talking about the ny justice system, I was talking about the show's depiction of new york city.