
mark sheppard makes everything better

the depressed teddy bear completely overshadowed everything else that went on in that episode… and I'm only now realizing how creepy that storyline was… and now I feel bad for being ignorant of it- now people are doing the same with this episode and it bothers me that so many people, including the reviewer, don't mind

this episode gave me flashbacks to jason's rape storyline fiasco in methpanther city… not sure when writers decided that raping guys was funny, but I can say very confidently that it isn't… even if there wasn't sex involved, the whole scenario with becky was just disturbing

yes you described this episode and why it was awesome better than I could have 

laughed from beginning to end- favorite episode of the season- the people who didn't like it can have their opinion but also fuck themselves for all I care

favorite episode of the season so far… and it goes even beyond the kiss from a rose medley, although that certainly helped- maybe it's because I love dean *craig pelton so much (did we just learn his name?) and because I like it when the gang is friendly rather than mean- and that all pushed this episode to a solid A

mystic river was middling? and million dollar baby? ok maybe for you, but I thought those were two very well done, very powerful movies

I couldn't watch this movie- she was so depressed that she couldn't even get into her doting husband, played by Skarsgard of all people… that is mightily depressed- I tried to watch the rest of the film after the wedding, but it only made me hate dunsts' character, and I know that's wrong because she played a sick

so I grew up watching him host the oscars and he was one of my favorites… I'm not upset over this- he's better than James Franco and Anne Hathaway anyway- I was hoping for someone new to host the oscars (my pick would be conan) but that'll still happen

I nominate conan o'brien- or better yet ricky gervais

one more thing… I wish the coroner lady was the lead or at least got more things to do- beckett is just really boring to watch

generally I enjoyed this episode- but I agree it felt a bit off, even for castle… for me it was the strange non-acting that seemed to be happening on the part of everyone aside from Fillion- I don't know how to describe it but it felt like they were all going to fall asleep at any second, there were a lot of dead

somebody needs to give fillion a starring role in a quality picture or television series- Castle is beneath him

yay, guess I'll go see this now

how many angels are there anyway? I can hardly believe that he killed all of them… whatever, I just don't like the leviathans and I want cas back tbh

one more thing- can Jared Padalecki please get a new haircut? If we're back to season one, go with the season one hair- his hair is starting to bother me, it isn't flattering- I know this isn't a legitimate complaint but I want change

yeah I think the fact that he killed a person this episode turned his mind around on the amy situation- he realized he didn't have a good deal of moral high ground to stand on- although he did kill the guy in self defense

supernatural has been feeling very meh lately… I don't care about the leviathans and I don't like that the show just dropped the angel situation completely- because last time I checked it was all going to hell up there- what are all those leaderless, aimless angels doing now that they have no cas, no god, no lucifer,

my mother is ukranian my father is moldovan(technically) and tbh I looked at that shit and laughed- because you know what?… there really isn't much of a difference especially not with the generations of people who were born and raised under the soviet union- all those republics… they all speak russian, and culturally

the classic moment for me was the rental car scene - when martin gets shot down after that string of obscenities with, "you're fucked"