Terry Kiser Permanente

"I care!"

I assumed he was talking about the White Sox, but maybe not. Everyone forgets those guys. Who was I talking about?

so great. bonus points for having many of the terrorists shout at each other in unsubtitled German as they run around in the initial stages of the building takeover. My favorite terrorist moment might be when Al Leong looks around cautiously before stealing a candy bar, though.

it's "so cruel" to start one of these but then again i "as yet untitled followup to Songs of Innocence"

You used to room with Blake Shelton?

my rule is to always engage with the film I'm watching

Trump looks like both a melon AND a collie, depending on the angle and lighting

whoa! Meet Joe Black! Shots fired at Criterion's new streaming channel. Your move, art boys.

Nick Mancuso is the only Stingray for me #sacrilege

wow. Tom Hanks, always the bridesmaid.

I've told you a million times, that was the volleyball.

I've been waiting for this kid's comeback for years, I love it when an old TV star like Hanks gets a second wind. Got one over on Peter Scolari finally!

i've seen enough Breaking Bad to know this is a lie

Fuck you, tithe me.

This promises to be her best role since Bobbie Dylan.

Jay Leno got Hugh Grant to blink and stammer in an actually awkward way.

she was *~~~delightful~~~* as the loving sister caring for her brother on Deadwood's most heartwarming episode.

pretty terrible shoehorning in of the title too, when Craig sees Monica Belluci and says "I may have to inspect her"

weird, my ethics professor showed us the "ALWAYS PUT ONE IN THE BRAIN!" scene on the first day of class.

James Hurley spoke in class today