Terry Kiser Permanente

I accidentally hit "play" on the embedded video as I was scrolling down and the audio alone somehow turned me into a Canadian citizen.

watch out, Jackie, I spotted Roose Bolton in that trailer.

counter-counterpoint: well, i don't have one, McDiarmid was probably the best thing about the prequels overall. I was actually astonished he was a relatively young dude when he played Emperor the first time. My problem with the Emperor stuff in RotJ isn't in its content as much as its execution and editing, I think

Also I think Lucas misread what people thought was awesome about the originals: the Force stuff was cool, lightsaber battles were important, but they liked Star Destroyers and dogfights in space and epic battles, not solemn conversations. I mean, anyone else remember how Return of the Jedi ground to a halt when the

counterpoint: Star Wars is good because the cast is fairly loose and the movie is full of good humor, and the style of '70s filmmaking allowed for for actors to indulge a bit more in their own particular style. It doesn't play as a film that was overthought during its making. The truth about the prequels is that

Season 2 of the Bachelor had some guy whose name I forget (Buerge, maybe?) and he was unmemorable.

I worked on The Bachelor Season 1, and Alex chose Amanda (his #2 pick) because he sensed Trista would say no. Which she would have.

I would watch you watching Chamomiles watching her read the phone book, and record myself watching you, to watch it later.

I think it works because the conversation goes like this (slightly altered in the film):

might see this, but more interested in the final film in Saulnier and Blair's unofficial trilogy — RED RUNE

I dunno about clubs these days but as far as electronic music goes I rely less on what's getting propped up in mainstream media and religiously read Resident Advisor, since they cover everything and they always manage to cover the best music. Their podcasts are ridiculously good, usually. As are the live performances

Speed is clearly the cream of the 1994 Hollywood action movie crop but man Drunken Master II, I don't know. That is even better I think.

that's messed up

Estimates regarding how long Phil supposedly remains trapped in the loop, in real time, vary widely. During filming, Ramis, who was a Buddhist, observed that according to Buddhist doctrine, it takes 10,000 years for a soul to evolve to its next level. Therefore, he said, in a spiritual sense, the entire arc of

Mel Gibson overcoming the adversity in his life is such a heartwarming tale of what makes America great.

If you are looking for box office profits I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of trolls.

Tender is the Night of the Living Dead

Dan Stevens wanted to do it, but too bad because he doesn't speak Hovitos.

Songs of Innocence is really actually a good album, if they'd surprise-dropped it in stores instead of on everyone's iPhone i think it'd have zero bad feelings surrounding it. I think out of all the 21st century U2 albums it may be my favorite, though I think ATYCLB and NLOTH are pretty damn good and HTDAAB has some

i remember that Staring at the Sun was U2's attempt at doing a "Morning Glory"-era Oasis song so if you look at the nonsense lyrics as a Noel Gallagher homage it almost makes sense.