Terry Kiser Permanente

despite the magic and fantasy elements I'm worried this show is Guinevere into cliched cop show territory fast.

i get tired of explaining this, but the Transporter drives the cars, the Mechanic fixes them.

just spitballing here by maybe we give em nothing to eat for two weeks, sew their eyelids open so they can't sleep, when they're about to die from thirst we quench their jaws with cold vinegar, season their wounds with salt, etc etc

You're all correct about the identifier, sorry if it came off as an insult. It's more that this is such an odd situation with curious bedfellows and calls for Leslie Jones to either turn it into comedy gold or actually duel Milo Yiannopoulos.

Leslie Jones, they're all racist virgins being egged on by a gay misogynist. Turn these shitheels into a money-making standup special. If Tig Notaro can turn cancer into comedy, you can turn human cancer into comedy.

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Stand By Me was the first soundtrack album I owned as a kid, and it's creepy to think that it's been thirty years since Stand By Me was released and it's older now than the oldies on its soundtrack were at the time.

Jerry winning that race and then heading off with Lois was I think one of the few happy endings for his GFs, it was like when Homer defeated Springfield's alcohol prohibition and emerged a glorious hero at the end.

"Gentle Herpes' path is a strange and difficult one."

in the pilot: The brilliant chief surgeon prepares for a surgery and then at the end of the episode deliberately leaves scissors in the patient's body "as a goof!" and we spend seven seasons of him regretting it while simultaneously being investigated for the crime, while the head of the hospital both reluctantly

This guy could really direct an excellent action movie though let's face it. Die Hard, Predator, Hunt for Red October are three total classics in their own ways and the latter in particular is a really smart and adult action movie (back when PG movies could be for adults.) I also think Die Hard with a Vengeance is

I made Bruce Willis a star. He was 33 years old. Ohhh, my TV was dark, I couldn't see Moonlighting. He was an actor, looked real enough. You know, when you're a rookie, they can teach you everything about bein' a director except how to live with a mistake. Anyway, after awhile I just couldn't bring myself to direct

"people aren’t exactly screaming for the next John McTiernan feature"

*i don't know why i'm "glad", it's not as if i even saw the movie

i'm just glad this "kill everything that won't fuck me" internet brigade wasn't around for the Karate Kid sequel starring Hilary Swank.

Goggins is the closest guy we've got to Warren Oates. He's even got the teeth for the job.

Hey, they have top men working on this theory. Who? TOP. MEN.

your arsenal (of sleep inducing drugs)

Porkins weighed 145 pounds!

Soylent Green was people, but the people were CGI!