Terry Kiser Permanente

The Death Star was a wiffle ball covered in duct tape!

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*fingers crossed*

an ancient incantation that will return David Bowie to life, but in only in the form of a shapeless mist that possesses the body of the nearest appropriate host, a body in which it will remain until that body becomes too damaged to continue on, at which point the Bowie mist will switch to another host?

smart move by Clarke, announcing this bombshell of disappointment (one she'd prefer not to dwell on) while the world mourns Chyna

So this isn't about Jared Leto trying to send his poop to Viola Davis?

So one day me and my college pals were walking down a street in Manhattan when a woman approached us, offering us tickets to see a new talk show. The Mark Wahlberg Show! She asked us how many we wanted, we said HOW MANY YOU GOT??? She handed a couple dozen over and we went back to campus and excitedly told our friends

Not great, Nate!

I bought my first Underworld CD while driving back home from college for summer break. It was a 12 hour ride, and for the most part it was a landscape of farmland occasionally broken up by driving through a mid-sized city. I remember I stopped at a Best Buy in Erie, PA just off the interstate to stretch my legs and

i love U2 for whatever reason, a combination of them having a sound that i particularly enjoy and maybe a bit of the "ould" Stockholm syndrome and also the fact that they're such easy targets for a multitude of reasons both ridiculous and totally accurate.

god you know Hollywood is a shithole when you read articles from people speculating that maaaaaybe Mad Max Fury Road didn't make enough to earn a sequel, and then they greenlight this. I mean didn't Olympus Has Fallen come out three months ago or something.

What he and his pal did to that deaf girl was horrible

yeah that movie rules. What's that line Del Toro says? He's in a house and Jones is standing near him and Del Toro makes this weird hand shape and says "now don't cross that line" in this kind of odd manner.

in retrospect few B-list action stars have had a run as good as Above the Law/Hard to Kill/Marked for Death/Under Siege.

are we going to find out this is part of the Marvel "shared universe" and Dynamic Woman is the new superhero?

It would have brought the whole trilogy screeching to a halt but if Bowie as Elrond had serenaded Samwise with "Chubby Little Loser" I'd have been 100% on board with this casting.

I refuse to recognize any Cheap Trick without Bun E. Carlos! That's like eating a burger without a, lemme think, a tomato.

But really, good casting with Efron and De Niro, you believe they're related. Their nipples match *perfectly*.

"it" being my terminal case of indifference

pfft, Sam Worthington. Jai Courtney is where it's at these days.