Terry Kiser Permanente

I remember when Jimmy Kimmel was just some fratty douche on a crappy cable show, and not a fratty douche on a crappy network show.

Finding yourself in the middle of a viral video prank or flash mob or something is like being hellishly trapped in the middle of a real-life listicle or Upworthy article.

That was the happiest ending I could have hoped for with that segment.

I respect that opinion! Thing about Tarantino is he's so much more financially successfully these days (maybe…don't know how the numbers adjust out from twenty years ago vs now) but his cultural moment passed by a long time ago. His best movie for me is Jackie Brown, probably because of the source material forcing him

I mostly agree except on the Rodriguez part really. I don't have much use for Tarantino these days. The only thing I've enjoyed about his last couple of films has been Christoph Waltz, who was the best part of Inglorious Basterds by a decent amount and the only good thing about Django (well Leo was okay.) I guess it

I think Rodriguez is worse than Smith, because even if the latter is less technically accomplished and occasionally just as juvenile, he's actually attempted some "adult" films (whether he succeeded or not is up for debate, I guess.) Rodriguez just seems like an idiot, and I almost feel like he's had a bad influence

the Inherent Vice trailer is pretty cool but the Mad Max trailer is the best trailer I've seen maybe ever, at least in terms of getting me hyped to see the movie. And also in terms of being AWESOME.

god, remember that time we egged Principal Smolderer's house?

come on, LaBute, you have to go the full incest if you want to reap that awards season gold! And you're missing an opportunity for a show-saving season 5 adorable two-headed tyke.

never knew Cersei and Tyrion Lannister were into heroin jazz

So the actors were really nervous on the set, and they needed reassurance that it was okay, it happens to everyone, and they got replaced in the role and were bitter about it for years afterward and that was coupled with self-loathing?

I'm only going if Nicky Sobotka's girlfriend is on the panel.

"And so Snyder quickly tweeted out his own, “real” photo at the
Batmobile, which answers the question of whether a car can look angry."

Also I guess I didn't realize a) this episode was ten years old, b) The Simpsons has been that bad for that long.

yikes…I think Pynchon was just being gracious in not rewriting that entire page.

"Let's watch one of these new TV shows the kids were telling us about, honey. Breaking Bad, Mad Men…no, no….ohhh, what's this then? The Black-List?"

"That was my first real movie. Hardly been in front of a camera before that. I was so green, the carpenters were giving me notes. [Laughs.]"

A movie where suburban racist cops run a town with an iron fist and kill at will! Doesn't seem particularly realistic!!

My mind's still reeling from poet Jim Morrison being outed as a stoner!!

sorry I called you a bastard