Terry Kiser Permanente

"Let me give you some advice bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest
of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to
hurt you."

finally someone has the balls to take down Sublime, Guy Fieri, and Jim Morrison!!!

Silver Bullet (1985)—“Sheriff Joe Haller”
TO: That was in Wilmington, North Carolina. With Gary Busey. Oh, my goodness.
[Laughs.] He said, “Let’s go out and play football out on the beach!”
And I said, “Okay.” He said, “Okay, I’ll meet you down there in five
minutes!” I went down there and waited an hour, and he never

He didn't let the Wookiee win.

I'm pretty psyched for "Solo", but I'll be let down if they don't explain how he got that scar on his chin.

There's a club where you're going to perform

That's the trouble I meant. But then again we'd have a pretty boring movie without the tale spinning.

with good cause!

yes, it's rather "usual" as one might "suspect".

Let me tell you it's the biggest phenomenon in cinema in the past 25 years.

I'd figure he was a serial DATER. He's the most eligible bachelor in town, ladies!

I tell you, if anything's a labor of love it's the fourth (or sixth?) sequel in a major superhero franchise directed by a guy who when he was first approached to direct the first film, he turned them down due to "not being a fan of comics and being unaware of the characters."

I think the bro film of choice is Boondock Saints. Maybe The Wolf of Wall Street if you're a bro with better taste.

The Usual Suspects is as good as it is (and it's not THAT good) because of McQuarrie. Singer's directing is pretty by-the-numbers. The best part of the movie is Peter Greene flicking a lit cig into Stephen Baldwin's eye. And I never really figured out why Soze went through all the trouble. Man, what a terrible

My favorite part of that scene is when they run through what went down based on the hobo eyewitness and you realize the hobo got some of the facts wrong, like the guard shooting his mouth off at the robbers and one of the guys calling a guard "slick". It's the little moments that make that movie shine. Another little

Only problem I have with SOTL is not really being able to believe Hopkins' Lecter as someone anyone would come across in real life and think "Hey I'd like to be alone with this guy." Which was sort of the good part of Cox's performance, he just seemed like an arrogant asshole. I think Mikkelsen's Lecter is the best,

Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking kites in this motherfucking sky!

Too soon, man. Wait 15 more years.

The Hobbit: Remember this: true courage is about knowing not when to
The Hobbit: Take a life, but when to spare one.

The Hobbit: Lyndon's Bane