Terry Kiser Permanente

Dumb idea, sorry. Split THAT final movie into two

They should just split the final movie into two


I would "dredd" watching that movie with you in that case, sounds like you'd have been a "dredd"fully wet blanket to my good time!!!

Dredd's by far the best of the recent crop of '80s/'90s sci-fi remakes and not damning with faint praise because it's great stuff, it's kind of a beautiful film. But…I mean…Mia Sara in Timecop.

If they can remake the unexpectedly pleasant surprises found in Mia Sara's performance in the original it'll be better than "Dredd"


“Bro, I’m an actor!"

This is a really fun movie. This review undersells the comedy aspect, it's hardly "grim" tonewise and the grisliness is pretty minimal compared to a lot of horror films (keeping in mind however that my "a lot" includes "Inside", "Martyrs", "Hostel", etc.) And it should be seen with an audience. I think the success

"blowhole-ravaging sex scenes"

the most awkward interview i ever saw was Piers Morgan interviewing Ellen Barkin, where every question was something like "mmm you're quite the sex minx aren't you" and then his eyes would pop out and his tongue unrolled like a red carpet. Very disrespectful.

Hooded Justice is the name of the fastandsloppy penis straight to DVD action movie biopic. (uncut version)

Look at this. [holds up a copy of America's Funniest Home Videos: Nincompoops and Boneheads] It's worthless.
Ten dollars from a vendor in the street. But I take it, I bury it in the
sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless! Men will
kill for it; men like you and me.

can't wait to see Andrea raising a young, happy Brock. The future is all sunshine and possibilities!

Costner's character name is "Ethan Renner", which means one of the screenwriters must be a HUGE Ghost Protocol fan.

the problems with Skyfall are threefold:

hey what the fuck did he do?

It won't take too long to get the light funk off of it

I rep for March 16-20 1992

the AV Club finally gives some coverage to Community and it's a throwaway mention in a Childish Gambino story. Figures.