
What older Blizz games (i.e. pre-Diablo 1) would you guys recommend, and why?

That's kind of how the reality of WoW is, You Stink, isn't it?

Me 3, especially after my Diablo 2 problem. Blizzard put something in their games.

You need to get out more.

My short version of the answer to your question, Rowan, is 3 and 4. I personally found the others to be too obscure and / or frustrating, and these allow more accessibility (through both more well-paced stories and lower difficulty levels as options).

Yeah, I'm not going to lie, my list is short and crappy. How could I have forgotten TWEWY? Absolutely awesome game and easily one of the best this generation, and you're right, no random encounters.

And the Atari 2600. And the Mattel Intellivision.

Mr Plum did it in the dining room with the tweezers.

And yet they're incredibly awesome. Angry Birds is truly the most cracky game I've played in years.

No. Also, kudos to Propaganda games for releasing this piece of poop on every system imaginable. The last time that happened with any degree of success must have been Lego Indiana Jones (unless Lego HP did well?), or perhaps the old Prince of Persia trilogy?

By the power of greyskull, ElDan, you've been pwned!

Random Encounters?
Does anyone know if this game features random encounters? If so, I vow to stay well away from it.

Root: I'm too lazy to check, but what about Kane & Lynch? Didn't that whole Gamespot thing have a commercial backlash?

@ Nope:

Speaking of Slipknot, apparently those guys made ten albums in the last ten years. How about them apples?

You guys are awesome, I'd completely forgotten about Rob Liefeld. Remember how often his characters' hands just couldn't make it on the page?

In any case, I think we can all chalk this up to another notch in the Wii's expensively-produced belt of flops. Nothing like an average of lukewarm reviews to kill sales dead in the water.

Damn, spaceboy, saying mario sunshine is better than anything is an insult of the highest order. Was it even good enough to play in the first place? Wouldn't you rather be playing even the ravaged anusfest that was Mission: Impossible on the NES? Or, say, stomaching a session of having your toenails bent backwards?

Sega really is no Nintendo, but it has to be said, they do pull some unexpectedly awesome shit out of their posteriors from time to time. See: Crush, Valkyria Chronicles, the first Golden Axe, 1 in every 8000 Sonic games, etc.

Too bad Rare haven't made a good game since leaving Nintendo.