
Hey man, I'd be grateful to take that second copy off your hands if it's still available?

So…is anyone going to talk about the game?


See above reply for my thoughts. Although I am tempted by Plants vs. Zombies…anyone ever given it a shot?

What is, amigo?

Anyone read that Silver Surfer where Black Bolt screams?

Hey Bear, what do you think?

@ The Bob The

One late thought from me: most PSP homebrew is shit, but if you do decide to go down that road, I highly recommend the Cave Story port.

Isn't Zenonia that one where you have to remember to eat? If so, I personally like my action RPGs minus the micromanagement.

Surely XIV takes that crown?

As if we didn't get enough of Japan's innovative games already…

It actually is a kickass mechanic — it's just that it never really evolves, so it's kind of like the game just played all its gameplay cards in the first three levels, then attempted to leave its maddening story make a right turn and carry it through to the end.

I think the problem with SE isn't so much its general shitness as it is Toriyama's absolute shitness. The guy can't write a decent story, and never has done. Look at FF XIII. Personally, I think it could have been great, but it featured this underlying protagonist style which made me want a game over screen. Look

Awesome….Machinarium was probably my favourite game of 2010. Which, in turn, I find a hell of a lot more interesting than the above, as it at least provided a twist on the adventure genre. As great as Rue Gemini looks, I can't see past it being just a Beneath the Steel Sky / Bladerunner clone.

So what are some of your favourites Roark? Also, point me in the direction of your site!

Hey, me too! Also, I high five to AJA for, in my opinion, a spot on review.

I've never played it, but word is that Heavy Rain did a pretty damn good job of breathing some fresh air into the adventure genre (yes yes, we all know about the plot holes). Surely HR, along with games like Gray Matter, has to count as some form of resuscitation?

I've actually just started The Dig myself, and it looks about as big budget as an early 90's adventure game gets. That said, reviews pretty heavily panned it for its lack of Lucasarts humour and obtuse puzzles.

Dad / science teacher / Spider-man version: